Monday, March 25, 2013


Legislative Update
Obama Administration Admits It Scuttled Border Security Metric to Protect Amnesty
email imageIn a stunning admission, officials in the Obama Administration admitted to The New York Times they resisted producing a metric to determine whether the border is secure because President Obama did not want any hurdles placed between illegal aliens and a pathway to citizenship.
Click here to read the full article.
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Senate Rejects Amendment to Deny Amnestied Illegal Aliens ObamaCare
email imageThe Senate rejected an amendment by true immigration reformer Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to the Senate's 2014 budget bill that would deny illegal aliens ObamaCare and Medicaid in the event Congress passes an amnesty bill later this year.
Click here to read the full article.
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Congress Passes Funding Bill, Maintains Homeland Security Appropriations
email imageLast week Congress passed H.R. 933, a continuing resolution to fund the government through the end of fiscal year 2013 (September 30).
Click here to read the article. 
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Guest Worker Program Remains Major Obstacle for Senate Gang of Eight
email imageThe Senate "Gang of Eight" negotiations broke down on Friday as labor and big business once again clashed on terms of a new guest worker program that Senators want to include in their mass amnesty bill expected to be released in April.
Click here to read the full article.
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Senator Rand Paul Unveils Amnesty Plan
email imageSenator Rand Paul (R-KY) became the latest Republican to support amnesty for the 11-12 million illegal aliens in the country. The Tea Party Senator announced his immigration plan last Tuesday during a speech at the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Click here to read the full article.
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Chairman Leahy Left Empty-Handed and Frustrated
email imageSenate Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy (D-VT) expressed frustration last week with the Gang of Eight's failure to produce amnesty bill before Congress leaves on Easter recess.
Click here to read the full article.
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Montana Senate Passes Anti-Sanctuary Bill
email imageLast week, the Montana Senate passed House Bill 50 (HB 50) which prohibits local governments from enacting or enforcing sanctuary policies.
Click here to read the full article.
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Gallup: 138 Million Want to Migrate to United States
email imageAccording to the latest Gallup poll, 138 million adults would permanently move to the U.S. if given the opportunity. The U.S. by far ranks the number one country to which people would like to migrate.
Click here to read the full article.

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