Wednesday, August 24, 2011


A Nap Can Make You Smarter
Your boss may not smile when you snooze at your desk, but California researchers found that an afternoon nap can significantly increase your ability to learn. The best naptime is 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., when there is a natural dip in energy.
Read the Full Story — Go Here Now.

High Blood Pressure a 'Neglected Disease'
Special: Chronic Arthritis Can Be Stopped Naturally
Dr. Beer Blog: Non-Cosmetic Uses for Botox, Dysport
Stressed Over Chronic Ailment? Exercise
High Blood Pressure Drugs Work, But Cause More Harm
A Tiny Amount of B12 May Cure Your Heart, Emotional Woes

Public Policy Poll: Perry Takes Double-Digit Lead over Romney
Special: Rick Perry Became Fed Up. Find Out Why
Rev. Al Sharpton Gets MSNBC Show
Palin Slaps Rove for Claim She'll Run
Money: Greenspan Says Euro 'Breaking Down'
Alert: Both the AP and Dow Jones said this economist can't be ignored after predicting the last crash. He sees two more bubbles set to burst by 2012. Read More Here.
Suzanne Somers Really Found Doctors Curing Cancer.
Watch the Video.

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