Bill O'Reilly: A Gay Time at JCPenney Every Halloween, New York City residents are greeted by homosexual parade marchers dressed to impress bystanders with a message that "gay is good." Some folks take the parade in stride, some are offended by more than a few outrageous displays, and others simply could not care less.
John Ransom: Catholic Nuns Fight Strip Club and City Hall While a small convent, more or less, on Chicago’s west side won’t ever make much of a difference to Michelle and Barack Obama, who apparently resent Catholics, it should make a difference to all of us who think that freedom of religion is just as important as freedom from Obamacare.
John C. Goodman: Obama Should Get Out of the Boardroom and the Bedroom Ask just about anybody in the business community what’s holding back economic recovery and they will tell you two things: new regulatory burdens and new regulatory uncertainty.
Paul Greenberg: A Blank Canvas Can Be a Beautiful Thing Congress finally did something right. Or rather it did nothing at all, which was just the right thing to do in these wasteful circumstances. It let the ethanol tax credit expire after 30 years.
Rich Galen: When Will They Make An End? In the 1965 film "The Agony and the Ecstasy" Michelangelo (played by Charlton Heston) is taking his sweet time painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Pope Julius II (played by Rex Harrison) loses his patience and asks, "When will you make an end?"
Larry Kudlow: A King Dollar GOP? While Mr. Bernanke was a good crisis manager, he seems to lack any conviction for a predictable rules-based policy that would create a reliable King Dollar.
Daniel J. Mitchell: World Bank Report Shows Large Public Sectors Reduce Economy A growing number of establishment outfits are slowly but surely coming around to the same point of view that bigger government equals smaller economy.
Michael F. Cannon: ObamaCare’s Contraceptive-Coverage Mandate ObamaCare’s contraceptive-coverage mandate demonstrates that government does a horrible job of picking only those types of “preventive” services for which first-dollar coverage will leave consumers better off.
Charles Payne: Government Pays for the Champagne Life People that haven't paid their mortgages in as much as two years are getting principle reductions if they bank with Bank of America, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Citibank or Ally and some that put no money down and couldn't even pay teaser rate mortgages are up for $2,000 checks.
Paul Tracy: The Best Stocks to Hold Forever Simply put, these are the 10 stocks that we think you can buy today and basically hold for the rest of your life.
Bob Beauprez: Canadian PM courts China after Obama's Keystone Pipeline Rejection Spurned by Obama's rejection, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated that if Canada's next door neighbor and close ally didn't want Canada's oil, then he'd pursue other markets to "diversify" the market for Canada's natural resources. It didn't take him long.
Steve Deace: Christian Leaders: Show Santorum the Money For many pro-family and pro-life leaders it’s now or never.
Matt Patterson: The Price of Obama's Fairness President Obama is big on fairness. “Fair” or some variant thereof was mentioned eight times in his State of the Union speech, more than “health care” (twice), his signature legislative accomplishment, or “spending” (three times), the nation’s most pressing problem.
David Sterman: 4 Companies Buying Back Their Own Cheap Stock I have found 10 companies with fresh recent buyback plans, all of which trade at least 20% from the 52-week high. In these instances, the companies are in a position to make their buyback dollars go a lot further. Take a look...
Night Watch: NightWatch: Sanctions Could Fuel Iran Civil Strife The collapse of the Iranian rial plus the refusal of banks and companies to deal with Iran are having serious impact. The price of everything in Iran is rising. The sanctions against Iranian banks that rely on the US dollar for international trade are proving to be devastating for everyday Iranians.
Mike Shedlock: China Crisis Accelerating? In China, when you overly criticize government you are going to run into problems, such as your entire blog being blocked (or something much, much worse). My blog is blocked in China as well.
Crista Huff: Great Trade for Clean, Fresh Water and Lower Risk The company is consistently profitable and on a multi-year uptrend with revenue and earnings (EPS) growth.
Jeff Carter: Profting from Disruption Here are three companies that I am invested in that are disruptive.
Steven Aden: Abortion to Protect the Life of the Mother (Or to Limit the Number of Boys Born) In the time leading up to the decision in Roe v. Wade, as well as the time right after, the argument was made that abortion would not become a post-conception contraceptive for mothers who simply decided they wanted a boy instead of a girl, or a child with brown eyes instead of blue ones, or a “normal” child instead of a handicapped one, and so forth.
Chris Poindexter: As Gold Turns: Greek Deal Off Again Now Greece has to vote on another austerity package this weekend, which is actually a vote on whether they want to stay in the European Union.
Tom Tancredo: Smears at CPAC Conservatives are in danger of letting left wing groups define their own agenda. A slew of far left groups led by Al Sharpton, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the People for the American Way are attacking for CPAC for having a panel featuring immigration and financial journalist Peter Brimelow and Robert Vandervoort of Pro English.
Mark Calabria: Victims Get 6 Percent of Govt Mortgage Settlement; Who Get the Rest? Out of the $25 billion settlement, guess how much goes to borrowers who “lost” their homes to foreclosure? $1.5 billion.
Tad DeHaven: WaPo: Lawmaker Directs $500,000 for Bike Path Near Home I don’t see how it’s possible to argue that the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the authority to spend taxpayer money on such activities. Invoking the General Welfare Clause doesn’t pass the laugh test as the bike path obviously doesn’t benefit the rest of the country.
Michelle Malkin: 'To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit' If you aren't creeped out by the No Birth Control Left Behind rhetoric of the White House and Planned Parenthood, you aren't listening closely enough. The anesthetic of progressive benevolence always dulls the senses. Wake up.