Don't ask the republicans who's on first. They aren't even in the game. If so, they certainly are on the wrong team.
Now I believe in the Democrats airing the dirty linen of the opposition but it's a different story when the Republican candidates wave their own sullied underwear and hang themselves out to slowly self destruct in the wind. The candidates have painted a lot of yellow which has no merit and needs to be immersed in a little well-water of truth.
Mitt Romney, the leading candidate, has been called the fat cat, the curator of the cult and the vulture of capitalism, to name a few.
Newt Gingrich is the most maligned. His Republican colleagues have exhausted the English language of derogatory descriptors in defining who Newt really is: mean-spirited, immoral, infidelity and a financial cheat, just to list a few.
Rick Perry is no longer in the race but this does not diminish the name-calling. Perry came riding out of Texas like J.R. Ewing of Dallas. You would have thought Pogo Pelosi and Rapid-fire Reid were riding shotgun - the protectors and writers of his speeches.
Perry was called many things, including a pimp, the protector of pedophilia and the drug pusher for pharmaceutical companies. Perry, after shooting himself in both feet several times, returned to Texas, some said, looking for Sue Ellen.
These folks have wasted weeks telling us how odorous they all are, when they should have been addressing Obama, the political lard of the underbelly of the Washington Beltway.
We must defeat Obama and the Chicago Mob in November if we are to remain the land of the free; and not the land of the free entitlements.
This country needs jobs; real meat and potato jobs which are meaningful and have a sense of permanency.
If America is to remain the leader of the free world we must start with bringing those jobs home which began leaving our shores 40 or 50 years ago. Steel, tires, shoes, garments, electronics, software, ad infinitum. Industry must retool and expand to accept this influx of returning jobs.
We are a nation of consumption which produces almost nothing with exception of autos and farm products. Labels "Made in the USA" have become archaic, extinct and are now collector's items.
Many Americans believe private enterprise is the best way to create those meat and potatoes jobs which have sustained the American family for more than 100 years.
It's frustrating why politicians promote self image and class warfare when the folks know it's jobs, jobs, jobs for everyone who can work. Maybe it's because they never had a job, a real job they could lose.
Folks, it's about time the Republican Party quits defiling itself and the Obama Administration cease and desist from making it a crime to be rich and a sin to be ugly. God spare us all!
Jack Knight is a retired Los Angeles City Schools math and computer science teacher. He can be reached at
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