Thursday, November 8, 2012


This is from a young lady who is a brilliant, aware and has an opinion on the election. She supports what Seth (my oldest grandson) stated very well in an earlier post to me...

I have to agree with something seth posted on your fb earlier...from everything I see and hear from people my age, the conservative party has got to change their ways. Times have changed, things like gay marriage, women's issues, especially the idea of pro-choice, are all things that are so important to everyone I know my age, including myself. It's something that needs to be acknowledged and accepted. The democrats have made adjustments, Obama is a legend because he acts youthful and both of his campaigns have really worked on targeting the youth vote. Everyone I see has a button that says "beekeepers for obama" or "kids for obama." The campaign did an amazing job at creating that sense of unity, of belonging in the "popular group." I know as you read this you're thinking that all of these things are naive and stupid, but they WORK. The next republican candidate has got to be younger, more moderate, and seriously needs to get a better graphic designer. I think that it is the epic fail of our party to not realize that while to us, a graphic designer is not going to change the election, but to the rest of the country it is.I myself painfully cringe every time I hear a conservative quote the bible in order to support their beliefs, because while that is their opinion and they are fully entitled to it, quite frankly it's outdated and it marks our party as out of touch.I have to say that if it wasn't for how angry it makes me to see first hand here in (city deleted by me)that my hard-earned money will go to helping a crack-whore who's on her fifth abortion, I'm not sure I would have voted for Romney. If Obama wasn't a lying scum bag who has spent the last four years wiping his ass with America, I would have had a tough time deciding who to cast my vote for. I really hold issue with the fact that the republican party has not even tried to change with the times. I truly believe that we won't get the white house back until they do. (And when I say change with the times, I mean that they need to accept that these issues are things that all of the young voters agree on, and they need to start baiting us with promises of change...and not Obama's "change") I really believe that the best thing a Republican candidate could have done is vow make gay marriage legal. It would have stifled the immense belief that all conservatives are religious freaks. Anyways I really needed to rant because I got 2 hours of sleep last night stressing out about this on top of everything going on here, and I obviously have no one that "feels my pain" like you do hahaha. (Name deleted) feels the same but I know you'll have a lot more to say.Oh and when I finally did fall asleep around 4:30 am I had the scariest dream of my life about race riots going on because obama won and all of the black people where terrorizing and torturing the white people. They were running down my street throwing fire bombs through the windows and then several men climbed up my fire escape and started shooting in through the window. (Name deleted) and I tried to hide in the bathroom but then the men used bolt cutters to get into the apartment. They found us quickly and the leader was telling me that if I didn't "suck his dick, he would kill me." Then he laughed and said he was going to kill us anyways and rape me when I was dead, so it really didn't matter. Another one of the men started cutting off (Name deleted) fingers too. It was awful, I've never had a dream like it, and it's really making me fear this city even more. I just have this terrible feeling that something bad will happen here. I'm really hoping it's not a "premonition" of what is yet to come..

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