Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Breaking News
More Democrats Willing to Go Over Fiscal Cliff
Special: Protect Your IRA or 401K – Move to an IRA in Gold &

Learn How!
McConnell: Reid in 'Naked Power Grab' on Filibuster
Calls Mount to Ban Hamas From Twitter

Latest From Ben Crystal     November 27, 2012
The Long November     The Long November »
The month of November was nothing if not exciting: war in the

Mideast, approaching fiscal cliffs and a scandal involving a

cover-up at the highest levels of the Administration and the

intelligence community. Oh, and some guy named Barack Obama

won a second Presidential term. More »
Outside The Asylum
Playing It Straight     Playing It Straight »
Liberals don’t just hate conservatives; they loathe them with every

twitching, twisted fiber of their beings. Of course, liberals are

defined by their white-hot hate. Their whole movement is based

on pitting Americans against each other.  More »
Personal Liberty News
White House Says GOP Will Ruin Christmas     White House Says

GOP Will Ruin Christmas »
A new report from the White House says that members of the GOP in

Congress will play the part of the Grinch for the Nation’s retailers

this Christmas unless the lawmakers get on board with President

Barack Obama’s fiscal plan.
 Oil-price.net - Oil Price, Today and Tomorrow

Open Letter to Obama on Energy Policy

Congrats, Mr. President. We hope the second term, you know,

without the burden of having to face another election, doesn't

make you complacent. You must be wondering why we - dealing

predominantly with oil and its cousins - are writing to you. Well,

we'll come to that. In March you said, "We can't have an energy

strategy for the last century [...]

Today's Feature: November 26, 2012

Jamie Foxx Blasphemously Calls Obama "God and Our Lord and

    Supreme Court Reinstates Case Against Obamacare
    Rand Paul Continues To Fight Against Indefinite Detention Of

US Citizens
    America Could Learn Something From Ugandan President
    Irony: Russian News Claims 'Communists Won In America With

    GOP Senator: I'll Violate Tax Pledge For 'Good Of Country'
    Did Hillary Clinton damage 2016 presidential run with

Benghazi attack cover up?
    From Smokey To Kermit - Re: Al Gore
Breaking News
Yale's Stephen Roach: Loose Monetary Policies Are a Ticking ‘Time

Alert: Financial Crisis to Last Until 2028, Testimony Reveals
Economist Mulligan: Unemployment Benefits Prolonging

SEC Chairwoman Schapiro to Step Down
Steve Forbes Has Choice Words for Bernanke (See Interview)
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Breaking News
Top Republicans Signal Willingness to Break Tax Pledge
Special: Protect Your Retirement Savings – Secure Your IRA or

401K with Gold & Silver.
Sen. Kyl: US Will Not Fall off Fiscal Cliff
Walsh: The Hispanic Voter Paradox Explained

Dem Lawmaker Pushes Legislation To Allow Guns At Work       
    When Lindsey Stone-type employees act badly should employers

be blamed?
    Feinstein Looks To Push Ban On Assault Rifles, High Capacity

Magazines & Pistol Grips
    Black Friday Abortion Hot Deals at Planned Parenthood
    Was Firing Lindsey Stone Correct for Disrespecting Arlington

Cemetery Graves?
    GOP Senator To Racist Dems: 'Only Color' In Benghazi Matter Is

Red Blood Of Slain
    DHS Website Promoting Government Handouts To Immigrants
    DHS Spends Nearly Half A Billion Dollars On Radios For

Incompetent Agents
    The Evil That Unions Do
    Sustainable BS From 'Conservation' Propagandists

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