Tuesday, December 11, 2012



Washington's Grand Illusion: The Fiscal Cliff
By now, we've all been scared to death with talk of the country going over the "fiscal cliff" without some kind of budget deal being struck by year's end. While this kind of talk is great at driving up media ratings and getting politicians airtime, the simple fact is "the fiscal cliff" being discussed is nothing more than Washington's Grand Illusion. Why? Because the factors that drive our fiscal policy will not change regardless of whether a budget deal is struck by year's end. As a result, we are already riding an unstoppable train toward $28 trillion in debt – an unsustainable burden that will cripple our economy, destroy our currency, and slash our paper investments. And no last-minute budget compromise is going to stop that. The bottom line? There is only one thing saving you and your money from launching over the fiscal cliff. Continue Reading
Obama's Win Will Skyrocket Debt, Gas & Gold
Obama won the election, so you can expect a carbon copy of the last four years. After all, one side got the House and one side got the rest, so the stagnation and head-butting will resume. What does this mean? Gridlock, debt, over-spending, QE-ing, debasement of money and back-door bank bailouts for starters. Basically, more of the same. “Zero change." That’s about what you’ll have left in your savings in 2016 unless you prepare your own wealth-preservation strategy now. Because Obama's reelection guarantees gas is heading for $9, food is skyrocketing, and gold is surging to $3800. Continue Reading

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Get Ready for $9 Gas & $3800 Gold
The election may be over, but our worries about the imminent explosion of the debt bomb have just begun. Every major economist and the U.S. Treasury all concede that the U.S. will run a $1.5 trillion deficit for the foreseeable future, inflating the U.S. debt to a staggering $28 trillion by 2018. If you think this is just a meaningless number on a spreadsheet, ask yourself if paying $9 for a gallon of gas is meaningless to you and your family. Because as any experienced investor will tell you, the price of both oil and gold are directly correlated to US debt more than any other variables. Doing simple math based upon long-standing historical trends, conservative estimates put gas at $9/gallon and gold at $3800 an ounce as the U.S. debt peaks. Want proof? During QE1, both gas and gold rose 55% each. Then, during the 7 months of QE2, gas rose 28.5% while gold rose 28%. QE3 was announced in mid-September 2012 and gold and gas are already on the move. How high will they go? Continue Reading
The Fed's QE3 Just Doomed Your Savings
Now that QE3 has arrived, it's more obvious than ever that a few powerful men have hijacked our economic, financial and political structure. And here's a news flash: They aren’t socialists or capitalists. They’re criminals. The latest round of stimulus policy by the head printer-in-chief, Ben Bernanke, and the Fed is stunning in its size (in that it has no limit), stunning in its time-frame (as there is none), and even more stunning in the lie behind what it’s designed to accomplish. The bottom line? Washington has just guaranteed $9 gas and $3800 gold. Continue Reading

The 7 Deadly Myths of Gold Investing
Plummeting Dollar? Skyrocketing Debt? Confiscation?

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