Sunday, December 16, 2012


The Newtown Tragedy The Newtown Tragedy

Democrats to Have Open Primary for Jackson SeatDemocrats to Have Open Primary for Jackson Seat

[WATCH] Lanza Tried to Buy Rifle Before Shooting But Was Denied[WATCH] Lanza Tried to Buy Rifle Before Shooting But Was Denied

Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: Tragedy and Exploitation – The Progressive Way I’ll leave it to others better suited to comment on the horror of Friday afternoon in Newtown, Conn. I am not yet a parent and would not presume to understand the emotions involved in something like this.
John Ransom John Ransom: Corporate Tax Crash Created By Dems Lame Duck Act You are on to something here: Of course, you’re liberal and the fact that you have a point is accidental and unintentional. But you have made an effective case why tax rates on corporations should be lower, rather than higher.
Doug Giles Doug Giles: New Rule: All Teachers Should Be Required to Carry Guns My heart is sick. I feel so sorry for the children who were murdered, as well as the parents and loved ones of the slain kids and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. All of us here in the U.S.—who still have a soul—pray for those whose lives were just senselessly shattered.
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: A Smart Conservative Position on War on Drugs "Mandatory sentences breed injustice," Judge Roger Vinson told the New York Times.
Paul Jacob Paul Jacob: What We Can Do and What We Cannot Do If politics is the art of the possible, how come politicians spend most of their time on attempting the impossible, and declaring the possible infeasible?
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: States with No Income Tax Grow Faster and Create More Jobs The evidence is pretty clear that zero-income-tax states grow faster and create more jobs.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: U.S. Jobs Five Years After Their Peak Looking at the total decline in the number of employed Americans through November 2012, jobs lost by U.S. teens account for 43.4%, young adults for 12.2% and adults Age 25 and older account for 44.4% of all jobs that have disappeared from the U.S. economy over the last five years.
Kevin McCullough Kevin McCullough: In Search of Meaning at Sandy Hook There are just some things children should never see.
Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: The Irrelevance of "Right-to-Work" Laws Some people love right-to-work laws, and some people really hate them. The reaction in Michigan when Republican Gov. Rick Snyder signed one has been not only spirited but downright violent at times.
Rich Tucker Rich Tucker: Powering the Country Calvin Coolidge once announced that “the business of America is business.” That’s not as true today, when American businesses are often portrayed as the bad guys, causing problems that require big government solutions.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Pro-Union Activist Threatens the Michigan Governor: 'We'll Be at Your Daughter's Soccer Game' Following the threats by the Reverend Charles William II to the governor's daughter, state representatives Rick Hammmel and Tim Greimel pandered to the crowd, complaining about union "rights" to being taken away.
Paul  Kengor Paul Kengor: America’s Growing Government Class The latest unemployment figures are again depressing, but not for the usual reasons. They provide further confirmation of Barack Obama’s fundamental transformation of America, specifically through his creation of a growing government class.
Michael Youssef Michael Youssef: And So It Goes? There used to be a saying that went: “As goes England, so goes America.
Mark Baisley Mark Baisley: Leveraging Death For the first time ever, I actually appreciate that my wife keeps the television pegged on The Food Network so I don’t have to dwell on the bewilderment of senseless mass murder.
Stewart Scott Stewart Scott: Is Boko Haram More Dangerous Than Ever? The group has killed roughly 770 people this year, leading many to conclude that Boko Haram has become more dangerous.
Marita Noon Marita Noon: The Shale Gas Revolution: Reindustrialize the Economy in the past seven years, America has flipped from a potential liquefied natural gas (LNG) importer, to an exporter. Energy companies have proposed 16 projects to export LNG to Europe and Asia.Yet the Obama Administration has only approved one export terminal—stalling the economic development the remaining 15 projects would create.
Tad DeHaven Tad DeHaven: The U.S. Postal Service vs. Greece Michael Schuyler, now with the Tax Foundation, examines the analogy between Greece and the USPS in a paper that was released on Monday.
2012 Election Sitemap
Obama, Boehner Hold Hour-long White House Meeting
The Charitable Deduction Should Stay   (106)  
Oh My: Susan Rice Withdraws From Secretary of State Consideration   (342)  
LA Times Demonstrates Liberals Cluelessness About Basic Economics   (144)  
How Republicans Can Start to Win on Immigration   (102)  



    Nasdaq2971.33 -20.83 (-0.70%)
    S&P 5001413.58 -5.87 (-0.41%)
    NYSE8333.73 -4.58 (-0.05%)
    10Y Yield1.74 +0.01 (+0.68%)

DeMint: Obama's Going to Get His Tax Hikes, Guys   (265)  

This Graph Says it All: “Spending is the Problem”   (222)  

How Liberals Argue: Obamacare Taxes   (272)  

Boehner on Why They Don’t Have a Deal: Obama Wants to Pretend Spending Isn’t the Problem   (186)  

Democrats Find Out What's in ObamaCare and Don't Like It   (459)  

Belafonte: Obama Needs to "Work Like a Third World Dictator," Put GOP in Jail   (222)  

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