Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Tuesday, June 11th

Politics Over Privacy
The debate over our government collecting the data on nearly every portion of your life - your phone calls, emails, video chats - has been interesting to follow. It's also an extremely important conversation to be having. We shouldn't be so quick to give up our civil liberties, picking and choosing which parts of the Constitution we want to enforce and which parts are negotiable. Like many conservatives, I struggle with finding that balance between fighting terrorism and our privacy. But there are two issues that plague me about the recent revelations. The first is the fact that this administration has taken things to the next level; the sheer volume and scope of the data that is now being collected is astounding and not what many believe to be within the purview of the Patriot Act or our Constitution. The other issue is the blatant hypocrisy on the part of Barack Obama. We can go back as far as 2005 with instances of Obama railing against this very issue. Just li ke we've come to expect from Obama, he promises and talks out of one side of his mouth and then acts a completely different way. This has become beyond frustrating. How can we trust anything that he says?...( more)

Bill Binney And Kirk Wiebe
Bill Binney, Former Technical Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis and Reporting Group and Kirk Wiebe, Former Senior Analyst for the NSA, are both considered whistle blowers with the information they released on the National Security Agency. Both men joined Sean in the second hour of Tuesday's show to discus Edward Snowden. Binney explained that it was his job to evaluate information and detect that which was important and valuable to the country. Wiebe and Binney blew the whistle on the misuse of tax payer money for the Trail Blazer program that ultimately caught nothing and allowed the tragedy of 9-11 to occur and was a huge embarrassment for the agency. Ultimately, Wiebe and Binney were forced out of the NSA. Both men explained that they felt that the information Snowden revealed to the country was a public service. People need to know that nothing is secret and nothing is private. There are roughly 40-80 companies participating with the NS A; unwillingly but legally required to hand over their data on every day average people the men explained.
Criminalizing Conservatism
For the last few days I've told you about a 25 year veteran who is being punished for essentially being conservative and even for reading my books! Fox News' Todd Starnes has been chronicling the soldier's troubles, which apparently started last year when he was confronted by his superior officer about the anti-Obama bumper stickers on the soldier's car. He was told that he was creating "unnecessary workplace tension" with the presence of those stickers. Is this what passes for free speech in this nation nowadays? We have a First Amendment for a reason. We've already seen that our government is willing and capable of targeting conservatives for their political and religious beliefs. In my opinion, this soldier deserves better, as do all our men and women serving this great country...( more)

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
I got a new title according to a political quiz - tislaw
I am no longer a conservative leaning libertarian, I am all in the libertarian purple in the direction of the right...

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
Edward Snowden has left Hong Kong and his whereabouts are unknown. Are there more revelations to come? Plus Bill Cosby says Americans should be more like Muslims. Rep. Allen West reacts. And a deadbeat dad fathered 22 kids with 14 different women. Is it fair for taxpayers to support his children?

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