Wednesday, July 10, 2013


    Good points all across the board Bob. This is why I am shopping for a high quality digital voice recorder to wear on my person and have it running at all times should I be out and about in public with a gun.The recorders cost around $100 and have an 8 hour run time. Small price to pay to insure your freedom. I live relatively close to the area I used to patrol. I've already once heard that voice behind me that says, "You don't remember me do you?" Thankfully it was someone who realized they deserved to go to jail and wasn't harboring a grudge.
      Anyone (cop/retired cop/CCW holder, etc) who carries a gun for self protection should have a recording device, in my opinion. And the reason is simple; all bad guys exhibit certain types of behavior right before they do something stupid. It can be simple aggressive body language such as furtive movement, but they always seem to manage to say something clever just before or during an incident. It's these spontaneous statements which makes their true intentions known. If Zimmerman would have had just such a device on him at the time of the incident, he wouldn't be sitting in a courtroom now. All the D/A would have needed to hear was this asshole telling Zimmerman, "You're gonna die tonight!", as Zimmerman's head was being slammed against the concrete. Which is what Zimmerman is alleging he said during the assault. Now it's just his word and no one to back him up.
        They will do to Zimmerman just what they did at the OJ trial. Portray the police department as either incompetent boobs, racists, or both. Then divert attention away from what the facts are to character assassination of the person on trial via assertions of racism to dissuade the jury. Once Johnny Cochran had the O.J. trial moved from Van Nuys Superior Court to downtown LA and the jury pool was NOT being taken from an upper middle class portion of the valley,  O.J. was halfway out the door. Which is really kinda funny if you think about it. OJ lived in a wealthy section of Brentwood. It stands to reason he should be tried by a jury of his peers. Rich people from Brentwood.
       Zimmerman is being prosecuted for murder for the same reason O.J. was acquitted of murder; racial payback. The LSM kowtows to minorities on just about every level. Blacks can kill whites an it's never racially motivated. But when whites kill blacks, it's always racially motivated. The media never sensationalizes a black on white killing. But the reverse is always a sure winner.
        I'm also getting a "dash cam" for my car. Sadly, it's come to that in this country Bob. Truth, forensic evidence, common sense, all mean nothing when the "victim" is a minority and the alleged suspect is not a minority.

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