Friday, November 29, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Happy Thanksgiving!
There’s a lot to worry about these days.  In the last several weeks we’ve seen millions of Americans fall into chaos as ObamaCare has sent their health insurance coverage into flux.  At the same time, we’re negotiating with Iran to establish some semblance of peace with them, at what appears to be a high cost for us. I could continue with the overall implementation of ObamaCare but I won’t.  Today is a day to sit back and be thankful for all the blessings that have been bestowed on us.  There is a time to continue the battle to defend America but today is our chance to look at all the positive in the world and all the positive that we, as conservative Americans, can do.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Things Heat Up In China

Things are heating up in the East China Sea as Chinese Air Force personnel have responded to American, Japanese and South Korean planes have expanded their coverage over several islands in the area.  While Chinese officials have suggested their maneuver was not intended to be aggressive, the tensions are growing.  All of this leads to the question, where is President Obama in all of this?  We’re still heavily engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq and we’re now in bad talks with Iran to find some “peace” with them and now we have China!  While it’s unclear what exactly is going to happen in the East China Sea it is clear that we’re spreading ourselves out awfully thin! Read this article and see the latest for yourself!
Rue The Day 
I said this the other night on my TV show but my mother used to always warn me about bad decisions by lecturing me and saying ,"You'll rue the day!."  That's sort of how I feel about Iran.  After spending some time talking with Michael Ghouse and Brigitte Gabriel I'm more convinced than ever that our appeasements with Iran would definitely be a Munich moment.  There's no doubt that Iran has been fighting a proxy war with us for years and that the blood of American servicemen have been spilled as a direct result Iran's hatred for the United States.  Now, we're really talking about making a deal with them?  We ought to move very slowly in making a deal because at the end of the day it should be hard for us to trust them!

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums: ObamaCare Site Is Fixed But Don't Try To Get On It! - Posted by ExDem Well, I think they lied about fixing the Obamacare by Dec. 1. The Obama administration has canceled a marketing campaign for Obamacare because they fear too many people will try to get on and crash the site. Again.

>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News) 
A very special sermon by the Rev. Billy Graham!  It's definitely worth watching!

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