Monday, November 18, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
ObamaCare Fix Barack Obama may have proposed a "fix" for ObamaCare last week, but that hasn't made much of a difference. States and insurance companies aren't exactly jumping at the new option to extend current plans through 2014. The fact remains that this is a temporary fix to a long-term problem and these industries (like most businesses) are operating with the big picture in mind.  USA Today explains the complications associated with Obama's fix: "Insurers are essentially being given a month to reprogram their computer systems for policies, rates and eligibility; mail notices to the policyholders that describe just what the differences are between the grandfathered policies and the ACA compliant plans; request and receive the consumers' decisions; then enter those decisions back into their systems, said Robert Laszewski, an analyst with Health Policy and Strategy Associates.  'They (the White House) appear to be throwing this hot potato into the hands of the insurance industry, who will now be on the hot seat to agree to do the impossible or take the heat for failing to do so,'" Laszewski said.  And then there is the curious story of D.C. insurance commissioner William White being fired just one day after publicly questioning Obama's new "fix." The timing is awfully suspicious.  

Things Are Bad
You know things are bad for this administration and for Democrats when Bob Woodward warns that things are only going to get worse when it comes to ObamaCare.  As we struggle with $17 trillion in debt, Woodward says that this is going to blow a big hole in the budget.  So much for that promise of ObamaCare reducing the deficit (who really believed that anyway?). But it's not just the government's budget that could be effected.  ObamaCare effects all of us, both individuals and businesses.  Take a look at what happened last week with Wal-Mart.  Its latest earnings report was down and the company hinted that ObamaCare may have something to do with it. Higher healthcare costs will lead to less spending money in the hands of customers.  The uncertainty of it all doesn't bode well for retailers and thus our economy.  As for individuals, how are we supposed to justify a law that is so perversely flawed that it incentivize people getting a divorce in order to benefit from ObamaCare subsidies. Things are getting bad for Obama but worse for us all!
Defiant SupportTonight Obama will give a speech to his most ardent supporters - Organizing for Action - and will likely ask for their help in saving ObamaCare.  He needs all the help he can get.  Michael Barone dug deeper into the Quinnipiac polling numbers I told you about last week.  Obama's drop in approval rating mirrors American's approval of ObamaCare.  In other words, the failure of ObamaCare is linked to Obama's personal failure as president. National Review has a piece today citing the Federal Registrar from 2010, which predicts that seven out of every ten Americans covered by their employer are also expected to lose current coverage.  A majority of Americans!  We are talking about millions of Americans who were lied to for the purposes of political gain at the expense of their health and their wallets. Yet despite all this, there are still some Democrats who are defiantly supporting ObamaCare.  Debbie Wasserman Schultz thinks ObamaCare will be a great asset for Democrats in the 2014 election.   Nancy Pelosi told "Meet the Press" over the weekend that "Democrats stand tall in support of the Affordable Care Act" and believes Democrats won't lose seats over it.  The election is a long ways away, but this has been a political disaster of epic proportions and it's hard to see how Democrats will recover quickly.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
President Refused to Attend 150th Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address - Posted by Camp
Stepping way out of character and missing, or sticking his nose up at a PR opportunity, the first minority President will not be part of the festivities of the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.  According to this article, at least.So you think he would send Joe Biden with regrets. Perhaps send Hilary and Bill while appearing via satellite link. Nope..."In his place, the White House is sending little known Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, who started her Cabinet position just this year." I think he is simply afraid of the boo birds regarding health care legislation. 
 >>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)
Governor Scott Walker stops by to answer the question, "Is the IRS Scandal really over?"

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