Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Thankful for...ObamaCare?
There is virtually nothing that the Left isn't willing to politicize, and that includes holidays. Obama's Organizing for America is trying to make ObamaCare a part of your Thanksgiving celebration. They are encouraging Americans to discuss ObamaCare talking points around the dinner table.

There's no doubt that ObamaCare may be a point of discussion amongst families, but not for the reason Obama propagandists would like. Millions of Americans are facing the prospect of lost coverage, losing their doctors or re-working their budgets to account for the increased price of premiums. Americans may be consuming turkey this Thanksgiving, but they aren't buying OFA's ObamaCare baloney.

Do have any idea where the president is right now? He is out West, in Hollywood and elsewhere, fundraising for Democrats. With all of the troubles he is facing and a new self-imposed ObamaCare deadline looming, it's a bit absurd that this is what the president has time for. Remember last week when he couldn't attend a commemoration for the 150th anniversary for the Gettysburg address? Obama finds time for what is convenient and what he wants to do, but not necessarily for what is always best for the country.

Obama's trip out West is nothing more than an attempt to distract from the real failures of his administration. If you'll notice, he's still trying (and failing) to push immigration reform to the forefront of the conversation. The Hill points out the White House has apparently attempted to pivot - for the fifth time this year - to the economy. It notes that this is a transparent attempt to shift the focus from ObamaCare and the disastrous rollout of the exchanges.

This isn't going to stop the ObamaCare coverage right around the corner, which the president knows will not be favorable. If you will recall, the administration set a self-imposed deadline of November 30th for the federal exchange site to be fully functional. That simply will not be the case. The administration has already admitted that it will not "work perfectly." The trend is clear: ObamaCare has caused Americans to lose faith in Democrats who unilaterally rammed it down our throats. Here are a few final stories and columns related to ObamaCare.
More Examples of Government Waste
It's astounding the amount of wasted money that our government manages to spend on pointless projects.

CNS News has two more examples of outrageous spending.

First, we have the Department of Education which spent $20.3 million to fight "isms." That's right, over the last three years we've spent over $20 million to help school boards fight "all of the -isms, like racism, ableism, orientation, etc.," in our schools.

Then we have the TSA which spent $900 million - almost a $1 billion! - over the last five years on behavior detection officers. Their job is to detect terrorists in airports. Five years and $900 million later, they've detected zero terrorists. Zero. In light of this fact, the Government Accountability Office recommends that Congress put an end to this program. The technique of behavioral profiling isn't bad, but the private sector could do it a lot more effectively and less costly.

The government isn't good at a lot of things, but it has perfected the art of spending a lot of money on projects that don't necessarily gain us any return on investment.
Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
The President is not honest or trustworthy. - BasicGreatGuy
I don't trust him or believe what he says. Given his track record, I think it would be foolish to. And unfortunately, the same can be said for a lot of people in Congress.
>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
Will HealthCare.gov be up and running by December 1? Juan Williams, Tucker Carlson debate the state of the website. Plus will Democrats survive the ObamaCare backlash in the polls? And how knockout assaults are spreading across the nation.

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