Monday, December 2, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
ObamaCare Fixed? No Way The administration's self-imposed deadline for has come and gone.  Needless to say, the website is still nowhere near where it needs to be.  The administration is boasting that the site can now handle 50,000 users at one time, among other claims in HHS' latest report.  Though that didn't stop the website from failing during a CNN report on the "fixed" website.  Nor do these fixes bring the website up to private sector standards, which you can read about in this Washington Examiner piece by Philip Klein.  But that didn't stop the administration from claiming in its report that "the team is operating with private sector velocity and effectiveness."  Even Chuck Todd points out that this is an indictment on the government's failed attempt over the last three years (and $500 million) to produce something of private sector standards. The Wall Street Journal has a piece highlighting the timeline of the White House's evolving talking points on the improvements to  We went from improvement for "a vast majority of users" to operating "much better" but still the need for "further improvements."  What an embarrassment for this administration.  
It's Not The Website's Fault
Let's be honest, I spend a lot of time knocking the website but ObamaCare was doomed long before its launch into cyberspace.  The fact is that even if the website worked perfectly, ObamaCare will fail to provide better care for less cost.  
The Washington Examiner did a survey of insurance agents across the country and they concluded the following: "ObamaCare applicants across the country are finding their premiums are tripling, their favorite doctors aren't available, the physicians they can see are often far away and many prestigious hospitals offering specialized care are off-limits to them."  And if you don't want to believe the insurance agents, read this report from the Wall Street Journal: ObamaCare's Plans Are Worse: How the Affordable Care Act raises prices and limits medical choices. But if we listen to former Obama advisor David Plouffe, if we wait until 2017 then ObamaCare will be working "really well."  2017 ... are you kidding me?   
So, Who Is To Blame?
Despite hearings in Congress, it's difficult to determine who is ultimately responsible for this botched website roll-out.  Most would say Kathleen Sebeilus, but she still has a job.  In fact, she penned an op-ed in USA Today alerting people to alternative methods of signing up for ObamaCare: over the phone, in person, via the mail or directly through insurers.  However if you want to use the website, Sebelius is still suggesting that you visit during off-peak hours.  If the website was working properly, Sebelius shouldn't have to push these alternative methods two months later. Let's not forget what happened right before the Thanksgiving holiday.  The Obama administration loves to dump news like this right as people are tuning out.  They delayed the federal exchanges for small businesses for one year.  Another delay!  This is from the same people who called Republicans everything under the sun for daring to suggest a delay of ObamaCare.  "It's the law of the land," remember?
Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
Google Glasses - Posted By Conan
Do people have a right to ask them to leave there restaurant? Or do those individuals have a right to wear them as long as they aren't bothering anyone? Inquiring minds want to know. Reason I asking this is in Seattle a restaurant employee asked a customer to leave of take them off. I say kudos to restaurant establishment.

 >>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News) Glenn Beck takes on the hottest topics of the day!

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