Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Lies, Incompetence & Polling Woes
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that Barack Obama's approval rating is just 43%. This means that he will end the year "with lower approval ratings than almost all other recent two-term presidents," according to the Washington Post. To give you an idea, at this same time in his presidency, George W. Bush enjoyed a 47% approval rating compared to Obama's 43%.

Ron Fournier has a piece today, "This is the End of the Presidency," which draws nine comparisons to Bush's first year of his second term to Barack Obama's. For a man who desperately tried to convince voters that he was different from the much-maligned George W. Bush, Barack Obama has essentially slid into the same trappings.

The incompetent rollout of the ObamaCare exchanges definitely plays a role in Obama's decline, but it has affected his ability to lead on other issues as well. For example, more Americans now believe that Republicans (45%) could do a better job handling the economy compared to Obama (41%).

Unfortunately for Democrats and this administration, this attempt to blame the Republicans isn't going to work. The bad news for Democrats is that more bad news related to ObamaCare is coming down the pipeline. Politico reports today that rate increases for small businesses is the next crisis to rear its head for ObamaCare. At this point, this crisis is expected to hit in October, which will be right before the mid-term election.

Meanwhile, the deluge of stories related to ObamaCare continues to stream into the news cycle. Here are more of the latest...
The 4th Annual Wastebook
It's that time of year! Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma has released his fourth annual Wastebook, highlighting outrageous government spending by our federal government.

The Wastebook has 100 examples of government waste, costing the taxpayers over $30 billion a year.

Some of the more outrageous examples include...
Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
US District Judge rules against California's gun waiting period - Safiel

Senior United States District Judge Anthony W. Ishii, in an 11 page ruling that I have yet to locate, ruled that California's 10 day waiting period for gun purchases constitutes an unconstitutional prior restraint on the Second Amendment RKBA.
>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
Candid, controversial and completely unleashed! It's one hour of pure Sean!

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