Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Another Sales Pitch
Is Barack Obama aware that he is the Commander-in-Chief and not a salesman? Today marks a new concerted effort on the part of this administration to sell ObamaCare to the American people. They still think their main problem is their sales pitch.

The problem is that Healthcare.gov still isn't up to private sector standards. The failure of the website to handle traffic is absurd, but there is another bigger issue for those who have already attempted to use the site. According to the Washington Post, as many as one-third of people who think they've enrolled in ObamaCare may not actually be covered come January 1st. That's right - mistakes in the enrollment forms could effect as many as one-third of those who think they've signed up for coverage.

Americans are having a hard time trusting government right now as it is. The fact that their information is not secure doesn't exactly entice people into giving up their most private information. This system relies on a need for trust, which is currently absent. And unfortunately for Americans, and politically for Democrats, things are likely to get worse. As Marc Thiessen in the Washington Post writes, the website is not really the problem. He's absolutely right. The website is nothing more than a reflection of incompetence, but the underlying issues of ObamaCare are what Americans are stressing about and what Democrats will be held accountable for in 2014.

But if we hunker down and wait until 2017, ObamaCare will work splendidly by then, right? Wrong. By then, if not repealed, we will simply have resigned ourselves to the mediocrity of our new government-run healthcare system. Democrats would rather us "settle" for ObamaCare than fight for better coverage, better care, more competition and a lower costs.
Here are some stories about ObamaCare that I'm almost positive the president will not be touting on his sales tour...
More Website Work Remains
Sean welcomed Washington insider Jamie Dupree to Tuesday's show to discuss the ongoing work on the disastrous HealthCare.gov website. Dupree explained that while many improvements to the site have been made, there is still quite of work left to be done. Federal officials acknowledged that more work is needed on the "back end" of the site, to make sure that consumers actually get health coverage and that insurance companies get the information they need to start those policies. However, The Washington Post reported that "enrollment records for a significant portion" of those who have signed up on healthcare.gov could contain errors, affecting "roughly one-third" of enrollees. To read Jamie Dupree's column on WSBRadio.com click here.
Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
Chris "Thrill Up Leg" Matthews (MSNBC) to interview King Choom - PSBandit
The interview is this week! Which begs the question, exactly how much slobber will get on the Kings suit? Your feelings and predictions on this romantic encounter...
>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
Tonight Former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani on the ObamaCare site's security issues. Plus Reps. Steve King and Luis Gutierrez on why the President violated the law of the land with the health reform. And former ATF agent John Dodson exposes the truth behind 'Fast and Furious'.

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