Monday, December 9, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
ObamaCare PR 2.0
 "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor ... but you're going to have to pay more."  Can you imagine if that was Obama's PR campaign to sell ObamaCare to the American public?  Well that is now what we are being told. On "Fox News Sunday," former White House official Ezekial Emanuel explained to Chris Wallace, "The president never said you were going to have unlimited choice of any doctor in the country you want to go to."  When pressed about Obama's promise that you could keep the doctor you already have, Emanuel admits, "if you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that. This is a matter of choice." Oh, so we can still keep our doctors but we may have to pay more to keep him.  I'm sorry but that is not what we were told.  The administration keeps pushing these "choices," but what they don't tell you is that these "choices" are more costly than your current options. 

Even More Bad News on ObamaCare The New York Times reports that low premium costs under ObamaCare are masking the true cost of healthcare.  For example, many of these low-cost premium plans have outrageously high deductibles.  While average deductibles under employer-sponsored plans is $1,135, deductibles offered under ObamaCare range from $5,000-$10,000, with some as high as $12,000.  The New York Post has a piece on the ticking Medicaid time bomb.  It points out that under ObamaCare, "Medicaid spending will more than double over the next 10 years, topping $554 billion by 2023."  That doesn't include state spending on Medicaid, which is expected to explode and crowd out spending on things like education and transportation.  Under the guise of ObamaCare, the number of Medicaid enrollees has exploded.  But that doesn't address the issue of a growing number of doctors not accepting Medicaid patients.  More demand and fewer doctors - that ought to lead to better care.
Outrageous: "ObamaCare" Racist Code?
The folks at MSNBC are at it again.  It seems as though they can make a racial issue about just about anything.  The latest charge is that the word "ObamaCare" is a racist code word.  Are you kidding me? On her weekend show, Melissa Harris-Perry said, "I want to talk today about a controversial word. It's a word that has been with us for years. And like it or not, it's indelibly printed in the pages of American history. A word that was originally intended as a derogatory term, meant to shame and divide and demean. No, she's not talking about the despicable "N-word."  She goes on to say, "Y'all know the word that I'm talking about. ObamaCare! That's right! I said it and I'm not ashamed, and neither is President Obama!" So there you have it.  "ObamaCare" is a "derogatory term, meant to shame and divide and demean."  It was "conceived of by a group of wealthy white men" to "render [Obama] inferior."  I mean, the analysis doesn't get any more absurd than this.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Apple et all Call For Reform on US Internet Spying
After revelations from the Snowden leaks, they are alleging that the Govt has done serious harm to the public's trust in internet privacy. And, perhaps more importantly, they are arguing that it could do some serious damage to their bottom line. They collectively published an open letter to President Obama hereThis is actually extremely encouraging imo. It had become apparent that congress and the WH were resistant to repealing/reforming current surveillance practices.No better way to change that than talk about money and get the lobbyists involved.Do you think it's chances of nudging congress towards reform are good? The Amash amendment was only defeated narrowly, so it's close imo.

>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Sen. Lindsey Graham enrolls under the Affordable Care Act.

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