Sunday, December 1, 2013


Friday Charts: Black Friday, Worthless Dollars and Why 3,907 Stocks Vanished Overnight
If you overate on Thanksgiving Day (I did!) and aren't operating at peak mental capacity, this morning, then you're in luck...

Say "Hello" to the Next Big Technology Breakout
Today we uncover the next big thing in the 3-D printing sector - and show how it pays to be an insider.

Three Irrefutable Signs We're in a 3-D Printing Bubble

Is Amazon About to Be Gator Chomped?

We Have Much to Be Thankful For
Floyd Brown reminds us of the many things we have to be thankful for on Thanksgiving, especially the chance to live in a country as great as America.

When Insiders Say Peace, They Mean War
Don't be fooled by the rhetoric surrounding the Iranian nuclear agreement. Rather than delivering peace, it will end up being the catalyst for a new war in the Middle East.

Raises All Around for the Month of November
One dividend increase often foreshadows another. And consistent raises are at the heart of every worthwhile dividend investment we've ever made.

Look Out, Emirates, Here Comes... Estonia?
With all eyes on the U.S. shale oil explosion, nobody is paying attention to a country that's already become independent due to its own shale oil boom...

Colluding With Smugglers Allowed Us to One-Up Wall Street
Turns out we were right about our call on Iran. And we have my trip to the Strait of Hormuz to thank.

Your Smartphone Now Stops Blindness, Too
This innovation truly puts the "smart" in smartphone. Doctors have developed a portable eye test using an Android phone - a low-cost innovation that prevents blindness and other vision problems in poverty-hit nations.

The 1.5-Million-Year-Old Discovery That Could Hold Critical Data for Mankind
As scientific discoveries go, this one is huge - literally! Scientists in the Antarctic have identified a massive ice sheet - believed to be the oldest in the world - that could reveal crucial information about changes to our planet...

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