Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Attacking Ted Cruz
There's an emerging trend that is oddly uniting the mainstream media and some Republicans and that is their mutual attacks on Republican Senator Ted Cruz.

This isn't the first time Cruz has come under fire, both from friendly and unfriendly territory. It wasn't that long ago when Senator John McCain was calling Cruz a "wacko bird."

His latest efforts on the debt ceiling once again have him at odds with his own party. ABC News' Jonathan Karl says Cruz is so hated by fellow Republicans that he will "need a food taster" at their weekly Senate lunches.

The Washington Post's Dana Milbank labeled this latest maneuver an "ego trip." He went on to assert that Cruz "doesn't care at all" about forcing his colleagues to "walk the plank" on issues such as the latest debt ceiling vote. Milbank says, "His actions suggest Cruz has put himself before his party and even the nation's solvency."

Ted Cruz is genuine in his defense of the Constitution and his belief in the greatness of our founding principles. He offers an inspiring vision, not just for conservatives, but for America because it is rooted in our common interest in protecting our Constitution. This scares anyone currently in power. Much to the dismay of the DC political and media elite, Cruz recently receive a heroes welcome in Iowa and New Hampshire, not because he wanted to play it safe but because he's shown a willingness to fight..(continued)
Getting America Back To Work
What is the most important issue facing America? Jobs and unemployment once again top the list, according to the latest Gallup polling. Since October 2013, government and politicians was the top concern for Americans, but after a 7 percent increase since January, jobs and unemployment is back on top.

Unemployment is a top concern for all Americans, regardless of party affiliation. Healthcare, the economy and our federal debt also rank among the top concerns. American's satisfaction with the direction of our nation remains stable at a mere 22 percent.

I can't blame the American people for feeling this way. After all, wages have stagnated and millions have simply given up looking for work. We also have a record number of Americans collecting some form of benefit from the government. What's become clear is that we cannot rely on the government to get people working again. Obama's failed stimulus is a prime example of how government spending fails to translate into jobs.

This is why I've started the Get America Back to Work campaign, featuring companies that are eager to hire American workers.
Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums: Bill regarding state dinner menus... - Gidzmo
Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., is pushing a bill that would require meals served at White House state dinners and other functions to abide by the same calorie restrictions as those served to America's school kids.
>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
With the U.S. team looking for gold in Sochi, Sean gets insight from 1908's 'Miracle on Ice' team members Mike Eruzione and Rob McClanahan.

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