Monday, March 10, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
No Love for ObamaCare
At the time ObamaCare passed, among its strongest supporters were labor unions. One has to wonder if they were looking at the same law, because many of us predicted the current failures of ObamaCare we are witness, which now has these very unions all upset.

A national union, Unite Here, represents about 300,000 low-wage hospitality workers in America. This union issued a devastating report, outlining the damaging consequences ObamaCare is having on its employees.

For example, it cites that ObamaCare could costs employees upwards of $5 an hour due to higher healthcare costs. In other words, workers will be taking a pay cut because of ObamaCare. It also charges that businesses will be cutting hours for workers, which also effects their paychecks, in order to comply with ObamaCare regulations.

This union fully admits that it was one of the first to endorse Barack Obama for president.

What did they expect? There were some of us who were warning of these types of consequences before ObamaCare was passed. Now it's all happening and people seem shocked. ObamaCare remains a disaster that is having a negative impact on our country. It's hard to see how it gets any better; we will only become more accustomed to its awfulness. Yet any talk of repealing this wildly unpopular law is still laughed at by the mainstream media...more
Paying The Price
Sean's Associate Radio Producer, Lauren, wrote a terrific story appearing on today about Army First Lieutenant Clint Lorance. Lorance gave permission for his men to fire at a motorcycle speeding towards them while on patrol. Two of the three men were killed. Now, Lorance is serving a 20-year sentence at Fort Leavenworth prison for violating President Obama's rules of engagement. To read Lauren's investigative piece on Army 1st. Lieutenant Clint Lorance, please click here.
>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
onight Sen. Rand Paul responds to Ted Cruz's criticism after CPAC 2014. Plus exclusive analysis of the Crimean crisis by former Vice President Dick Cheney. And James Carville surveys the 2016 field.

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