Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Republican Momentum
Republican David Jolly won a special House election last night in Florida, delivering a stinging defeat to the Democrats.  We also have new polling showing that the president's approval rating continues to slide.  Is the GOP gaining crucial momentum before November's mid-term elections? A brand new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds that Barack Obama's approval rating has slipped to the lowest level of his presidency.  Just 41 percent of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing, compared to 54 percent who disapprove of his handling of the presidency.  This has the potential to impact Democrats running in November because Obama is seen as a "toxic" politician; only 22 percent of Americans say that his endorsement of a candidate would make them more likely to support that candidate.

A Word of Caution
While all of this certainly isn't good news for the Democrats, Republicans would be wise not to get too excited.  After all, a vast majority of Americans do not like any of the current incumbents in Washington and the Republican Party is not widely viewed positively.  However, Republicans do edge out the Democrats on the question of which party should control Congress. An amazing 65 percent of Americans also believe that America is on the wrong track.  This is where Republicans could really stand to shine by offering bold solutions that would put America on a better track.  Those bold ideas could be on a number of issues including energy, education and even healthcare. I've laid out many of these ideas as part of my series on called Conservative Solutions 2014
A Victory in Florida
So, about the election in Florida.  This election took place down in the Tampa area (Florida's 13th district) to replace Rep. Bill Young, who died of cancer last October. Republican David Jolly was not the favorite to win, and he was outspent by the Democratic candidate, Alex Sink, by 3 to 1 on television ads.  Yet Republican David Jolly won last night by about a 2 percent margin.  Why? Well it's no secret that ObamaCare was a key issue in this election; Jolly ran on repealing it and he won.  That can't have Democrats feeling all that great about November. ObamaCare is unpopular and the message of "fixing it' isn't what the American people want to hear.  If Republicans aren't elected and put in a position to repeal it, then I'm afraid it could actually get worse than what we are currently experiencing.  Marco Rubio warned yesterday that ObamaCare is falling apart before our very eyes, but with the Democrats in power, the solution will not be to go back to where we were or to offer free-market solutions but to implement a single-payer healthcare system.  That is where we could be heading.  As bad as ObamaCare is now, just wait until the government runs the entire system.  If we don't get serious about this and use this momentum going forward, that could be our future.  That is what is at stake, and that's why this election was so important.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
Ukraine vs Iraq.  The Point Everyone Is Missing - Posted by Altair1013
Everybody but me that is. How many times have you heard some crybaby lib complain that we can't condemn the Russians because we invaded Iraq? Well that is where the similarity ends. There ain't no moral equivalency here. We did not KEEP Iraq!!!! We went in, booted out Hussein and let the people choose their leaders. Then we left. The Ruskies have no intention of giving up any area they have conquered. They are building an empire. We have no empire. We are gone from Iraq. There is no comparison at all. Putin will leave The Ukraine kicking and screaming or not at all.

>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News) 
 Sean has the latest on the big victory in Florida.

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