Monday, March 31, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter Crashes Twice On Last Day To Enroll In ObamaCare
Obama's disastours health care website crashed multiple times on deadline day for new sign-ups. Visitors to on Monday morning saw messages that the site was down for maintenance. Administration spokesman Aaron Albright said the website undergoes "regular nightly maintenance" during off-peak hours and that period was extended because of a "technical problem." He did not say what the problem was, but a statement from the Department of Health and Human Services called it "a software bug." The issue may have been caused by increased traffic as last-minute users try to sign up before the deadline to get health insurance in 2014 at midnight. That deadline had already been extended indefinitely, however, thanks to an abundance of exemptions. The extension, or "special enrollment period," was added in part due to the frequency of website errors.

I guess the Obama Administration's announcement on December 1st that this had been fixed was also a "glitch?"
Feds List Lesser Prairie Chicken as Threatened
The Obama administration has decided to list the lesser prairie chicken on the list of threatened species. Why am I telling you about chickens? Because this designation will effect oil and gas drilling in states like Texas and New Mexico.

Regulations surrounding conservation plans for these threatened species only add to the regulatory burdens placed on companies that are trying to grow our energy future and get America's economy moving. Did you know that the economy of Texas is now larger than Michigan, North Carolina and Georgia combined?

It is energy - oil and gas production - that is driving the Texas economy. It has an $8 billion surplus and unemployment is below 6 percent. That sort of economic prosperity could happen throughout our entire country if only the federal government would get out of the way.
>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Tonight Sean and Karl Rove examine the political ramifications over ObamaCare. Plus a shocking look at spring break 2014. And country music legend Charlie Daniels takes on Bob Dylan for his new album.

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