Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Equal Pay Day For Obama Staffers?
Today is Equal Pay Day in America, which is said to increase awareness of the wage gap between men and women.  The White House is using this date as a way to advance its campaign on income inequality and the war on women.  But on this issue, the White House is steeped in hypocrisy.  The standard line is that women only make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns.  But it turns out that the White House isn't much better on this issue.  In fact, analysis of White House salaries show that female staffers only make 88 percent of what male staffers earn.  The New York Times cites the recent study by the American Enterprise Institute, which shows that “the median annual salary for women in the White House last year was $65,000, while the median annual salary for men was $73,729. The study was based on White House salary data.” Uh oh, that doesn't work well into the White House's narrative.  As CBS put it, the White House is thusly being “roughed up by its own pay equity rhetoric.”

What’s Worse?  The Numbers May Be Wrong! The Wall Street Journal points out another issue and that is the fact that maybe there really isn't a problem at all, because the numbers being used by liberals to push this agenda are flawed.  There are differences in the amount of hours men work compared to women, there are differences in the amount of time spent in the labor force because of marriage and children, there are differences in the choices in education, there are differences in the physical capabilities of men and women, there are differences in the amount of risk men are willing to take compared to women.  In other words, this issue isn't as simple as the White House and liberal Democrats would have you believe. Another way to look at all this is to ask; are we really talking about work place discrimination or a number of other factors which naturally create this gap?  If the law encourages women to sue employers based on these choices, rather than true discrimination, will this create a disincentive to hire women?
Paying for ObamaCare
Remember that promise that ObamaCare will bring down your family's healthcare premium costs by $2,500?  That was yet another broken promise. Here's reality, according to an analysis conducted by Morgan Stanley there was a large acceleration in rates.  But that's not all.  Take a look at the impact ObamaCare is having on hiring and our economy.  According to an analysis in the Weekly Standard: "The 50 worst months of employment in the past 25 years have all come since Obama launched the ObamaCare debate."  In fact, it may be a little worse: "The 57 worst months for employment in the past 29 years (and 11 months) have all come during the ObamaCare era."  As we well know, the labor force participation rate has dropped to its lowest level in decades, with millions of Americans simply giving up looking for work.  ObamaCare hasn't exactly been a help in this department as it disincentives' work and boosts regulations and costs on employers.ObamaCare is proving to be a disaster for our healthcare, our economy, our freedoms and our wallets. >>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)
Why do students react so violently after a big win?  Sean tackles this and Al Sharpton's work as a secret FBI informant.  

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