Friday, May 16, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Harry Reid and Free Speech
Harry Reid has taken is obsession with the Koch brothers to a new level, threatening your freedom of speech rights in the process. The Supreme Court has ruled (Buckley v. Valeo, 1976) that money spent on politics is free speech and therefore protected by the Constitution. Harry Reid doesn't like that. Therefore, he is supporting a Constitutional amendment to limit how much aggregate money can be spent in politics.

According to the Washington Times, "Mr. Reid and his fellow Democrats say the government should have the ability to decide who can spend money in elections and how much they are allowed to spend. That would apply to candidates and other Americans, including the interest and pressure groups that play an increasing role in campaign advertising." Obviously, adopting an amendment to the Constitution isn't easy and this isn't likely to pass the Senate, much less the House. But as usual, this isn't so much about campaign financing as it is about making the Koch brothers out to be the boogiemen in upcoming elections.

By the way, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are attending an upcoming movie screening where they are featured speaking out, or "exposing," the Koch brothers.
Friday's Five Solutions
New Fox News polling shows that less than half of the American people trust the federal government. This trust deficit has plummeted dramatically among Republicans: "63 percent trusted the government in 2002, while 32 percent felt that way in 2009 and just 19 percent trust Uncle Sam today." That represents a 44 point drop in a little over a decade. I don't blame the American people for their skepticism, because the government has given us good reason not to trust them. From the scandals to the lack of transparency to the inability to limit the growth of government, we have a lot of reasons to question what Washington is doing.

How do you restore trust with the American people?

You provide bold solutions that are implemented with transparency, enforced fairly and produce tangible results in empowering the people, restoring our founding principles and limiting the size and scope of the government.

Particularly over the last few weeks, I've repeated my solutions for what America really needs to get itself moving again. Those solutions are as follows...continued

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