Friday, June 6, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Disturbing Bergdahl Details In a disturbing new report by Fox News' James Rosen, Sgt. Bowe Bergdal had declared himself a "warrior for Islam."  The secret documents reported by Rosen show that while Bergdahl was in captivity he "converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a 'mujahid,' or warrior for Islam."  If this is true, it is a bombshell for many reasons including the fact that it directly contradicts what members of Congress were told by White House officials.  In other words, it's possible that the White House deliberately misled Congress. The nature of Bergdahl's situation ranged from captivity in a metal cage after an attempted escape to playing soccer with his Haqqani captors, carrying his own AK-47, and taking part in target practice.  Rosen notes, and I've said it before, that Bergdahl may have succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome.  It's also difficult to discern facts from possible Taliban propaganda.  The one thing we do know is that we've already seen Obama himself and his administration attempting to sway the narrative surrounding Bergdahl's questionable motives.  Yesterday, Obama addressed the controversy stating, "I'm never surprised by controversies that are whipped up in Washington."  The "controversy" is that the soldiers serving with Bergdahl are telling a different narrative than the Obama administration would like. 
Wait Folks, That's Not All!
Obama also brought some of the controversy on himself by choosing to negotiate with the Taliban (even though he claims he didn't) and releasing five of the Taliban's "Dream Team."  He's emboldened our enemies, and a TIME Magazine report confirms this after speaking with a Taliban commander: "Asked whether the Taliban would be inspired by the exchange to kidnap others, he laughs. 'Definitely,' he says. 'It's better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people. It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.'"  This shouldn't come at any surprise.  In fact, the State Department admitted this in January.  The controversy also continues as Obama appears to be set on closing Gitmo, which may mean the release of more dangerous detainees.  According to an AP report, administration officials said yesterday that Obama is moving ahead his plans to shutdown Gitmo, despite the uproar over the Bergdahl swap: "The official said a 'significant number' of prisoners are on their way toward release, but he declined to say precisely how many or when they would leave Guantanamo."  As I pointed out yesterday, attempts to empty Gitmo may be met with a lot of opposition.  Republicans like Lindsey Graham even floated impeachment over the issue.
America Deserves Better
The latest jobs report shows that not much has changed for Americans looking for a job.  The unemployment rate remains at 6.3%, but the all-important labor force participation rate hasn't budged from 62.8%, which means 37.2% of Americans are NOT in the labor force.  This is a 36-year high! In other words, fewer Americans are working and this makes it difficult for our economy to grow.  Since Obama took office, the number of Americans not the labor force has increased by over 11 million people.  According to CNSNews, "At no time during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, did such a small percentage of the civilian non-institutional population either hold a job or at least actively seek one." Americans deserve better.

>>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)
Tonight a studio audience reacts to the controversial release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Plus former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani on the national security risk the deal poses. Sean investigates the trade in a one-hour special

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