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3pm Update |
Latest News
Black Dems Key for Pro-Cochran PAC
super PAC that supports Republican U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran leaned
heavily on well-known operatives in state Democratic politics.
Legislative Fixes Needed for Primaries?
the Republican primary for U.S. Senate is resolved by the start of the
2015 legislative session, the Legislature could grapple with whether
legislative fixes are required to curb electoral chaos in the future.
April Sade
Sade, 28, aims to use her experience as a domestic-violence victim as
fuel to generate a bigger spotlight on Mississippi and the untapped
talent that it possesses.
The Ideal Woman
amount of fat-shaming or skinny-shaming or "thinspiration" can change
the fact that all women are different and none, really, has the "ideal
body." While makeup, clothes and perfect hair enhance beauty, they don't
change the person underneath.
Go Local for Dramatic Flair
Hause began on the stage of the Black Rose Theatre (103 Black St.,
Brandon) two years ago in the production of "Our Town."
Today's Events
"Remembering Freedom Summer" Series is at 6:30 p.m. at Galloway Memorial
United Methodist Church (305 N. Congress St.). Speaker Fred Clark Sr.
shares his memories as a Freedom Rider and Freedom Summer participant.
Free; call 601-326-3448; ... Author Smith Henderson
signs his book "Fourth of July Creek" at 5 p.m. at Lemuria Books (4465
Interstate 55 N., Suite 202).
Music Listings
Click here for venue addresses and phone numbers.
Pop's Saloon - Ladies Night
Burgers & Blues - Jesse "Guitar" Smith 5:30 p.m.
Club Magoo's - Karaoke 8 p.m.
Fitzgerald's - Johnny Barranco 4:30 p.m.; Johnny Crocker 8 p.m.
Hamp's Place - Best in Hip-Hop w/Aziatikk Blakk
Kathryn's - Jeff Maddox 6:30 p.m.
Kemistry - Acoustic Wednesdays w/ Kenny Davis 9 p.m. free
Last Call - Karaoke
M Bar - 50 Cent Wednesdays w/DJ Durdy Costello 7 p.m. free
Martin's - Ladies Night
McB's - Live Music 8 p.m.
Ole Tavern - Karaoke
One Block East - Trivia Night 7 p.m.; Karaoke 9 p.m.Pop's Saloon - Ladies Night
Shucker's - Kern Pratt & The Accused 8 p.m.
Underground 119 - Big Easy Three 6:30 p.m. free
University Place - Wine Down Wednesdays/Ladies Night
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