Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Why was the National Guard Not in Control in Ferguson?
Lt. Governor Peter Kinder of Missouri joined Sean on TV and radio to express his outrage at Governor Jay Nixon's behavior as looters, rioters and protesters did everything but be peaceful.

"A lot of people have to answer for the Guard's failure to be in Ferguson - including Governor Nixon," said Kinder. Kinder told Sean that he wants answers on the National Guard's lack of action, and believes that Governor Nixon deliberately did not call for the National Guard at the will of the Obama Administration. "Is the reason that the National Guard was not in there because the Obama Administration and the Holder Justice Department leaned on you to keep them out? I cannot imagine any other reason why the governor who mobilized the National Guard would not have them in there to stop this."

VIDEO: Watch Sean's interview with former Ferguson Mayor James Knowles

Ferguson Mayor James Knowles also complained that his request for National Guard assistance was repeatedly ignored by Democrat Governor Jay Nixon.
ObamaCare Continues to be a Sham
ObamaCare continues to be a sham.
It turns out that the number of healthcare enrollees reported by the administration in October was wrong
While claiming to have surpassed 7 million enrollees, it turns out that the figure is less because the administration included those applying for only dental plans and not healthcare plans.
For those who have signed up for full healthcare coverage, they will be frustrated to learn that “the average price of the most popular ObamaCare health insurance plans rose 10 percent for 2015, according to a new study of premium figures published by the Department of Health and Human Services.”
So much for that promise of saving families $2,500 a year.  Yet another broken promise by this president and it's the American people who are paying the price.
Source: The Hill

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