Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
GOP Sweep
Resounding GOP victories swept the country yesterday.  Republicans now claim a historic number of seats in the House.  The Senate is now decidedly in Republican control.  And Republicans won governorships, even in liberal states.  The hole has been plugged, and now it's time to save this great ship of America before it sinks.
A shining spot for conservative principles throughout the last few years have been success of Republican governors.  From Bobby Jindal to Rick Perry to Scott Walker and others, conservative policies have managed to turn their states into beacons of hope in an otherwise stagnant society. 
Republicans governors like Rick Scott in Florida and Scott Walker in Wisconsin managed to hang on to their seats.  And Republicans actually added even more governors to their already impressive ranks.  In blue-states like Illinois, Massachusetts and Maryland, Republican candidates won.
Republicans now have more members in the House than they have in over fifty years, adding to their historic gains in 2010. 
Some standout wins include Mia Love in Utah, becoming the first Republican African American woman elected to Congress.
The big victory for conservatives is the Senate.  While the numbers aren't set – due to a runoff in Louisiana, which will likely be another win for Republicans – the GOP has decidedly won control of the Senate with at least 52 seats. 
This means that Republicans hold control of the Congress, something that has not been the case for eight years.
More significantly, Republicans Thom Tillis (North Carolina), Joni Ernst (Iowa) and Cory Gardner (Colorado) all won seats in states that had gone blue for Barack Obama in at least one of the last two elections...continued
Amnesty Legislation
The dust hadn't even settled from the mid-term election, and Obama was already promising to push amnesty legislation.
ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl reported on election night that according to WH officials, “the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform no matter how big a shellacking Democrats” got.
Even as Americans turned out in droves to reject his policies and leadership, Obama STILL feels compelled to act unilaterally to implement his agenda.
For the next two years, I'm sure the president will push more ideological issues through executive order.
This is exactly why this election was so important; our systems of checks and balances will hopefully be useful in stopping these unconstitutional, unilateral actions by the president.
Charles Hurt says we are facing the most dangerous two years in 150 years.  I hope the Republicans are ready.
Source: Breitbart

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