Monday, December 1, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Lame Duck Congress
As Obama meets with civil rights leaders at the White House today, Congress returns to Washington, though it remains to be seen what they will accomplish before the end of the year.  Republican leadership in both the House and Senate will begin in January. 
As Jamie Dupree, the most connected man in Washington, points out in his blog today, Congress has only been in session for four weeks since the beginning of August.  Must be nice!  With a work schedule like that, it's no wonder that little gets done and they are left to scramble at the end of the year.
Congress still has some important items to accomplish.
Among those items, for example, is funding the government.  Yet again, Congress has been unable to meet its October 1st deadline to pass legislation.  Now we are down to the wire, with John Boehner and House leadership trying to come up with a strategy before the December 11th shutdown date.
Consider the delicate, yet powerful situation the House has before it with the ability not to fund Obama's executive actions on immigration.  This may mean that Republicans pass a stopgap bill that will keep the government running into the beginning of 2015 and then force the issue when they have control of the House and the Senate.
Republicans will meet Tuesday morning to discuss their strategy.
This is not time for wishy-washy leadership, and there is never an appropriate time to allow Barack Obama to get away with his unilateral approach to governing/legislating.  This isn't just a battle over immigration and funding but a fundamental fight for the integrity of our system of checks and balances and co-equal branches of government.
Other issues Congress must address in its short, lame-duck session are expiring tax breaks (tax extenders), for businesses and individuals...continue reading
IRS Targeting
Not only did the IRS target tea party groups ahead of the 2010 midterm election, but it shared thousands of documents with the White House.
According to a report in the Daily Caller, the Justice Department is releasing 2,500 documents which were improperly shared with the White House by the IRS.
This is in addition to the 30,000 Lois Lerner emails that have suddenly been recovered.
A legal advocacy firm Cause for Action sued for the documents.  Two years later, the truth is finally being revealed. 
So much for the most transparent administration in history.
This isn't just a violation of the law but also of taxpayer privacy and trust. 
After all, what was the White House planning to do with such information about its political opponents before a big election?
The answer seems quite obvious and it should be an outrage to every American.
Source: The Daily Caller

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