Friday, May 8, 2015


DOJ Baltimore Investigation
The Department of Justice is going to launch an investigation into the Baltimore Police Department.  
This is investigation will be similar to the one conducted in Ferguson, upon the request of Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

Baltimore's State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby recently brought charges against the six cops involved in the death of Freddie Gray.  However, defense attorneys are quickly poking holes in the prosecution's case.  
Many believe that Mosby has a serious uphill battle to climb in getting any convictions.  The announcement of the charges (which sounded more like a political speech) may have appeased people in the short-term but let's hope the reaction doesn't turn to violence once again should these officers be acquitted.
ISIS Influence Growing The influence of ISIS within the United States is growing.  What are we doing to stop it?
The director of the FBI, James Comey, says that the domestic threat posed by ISIS within the United States is growing, particularly due to it influence on social media.  Here's a report from USA Today:
"In a dramatic assessment of the domestic threat posed by the Islamic State, FBI Director James Comey said Thursday there are 'hundreds, maybe thousands' of people across the country who are receiving recruitment overtures from the terrorist group or directives to attack the U.S.
Comey said the Islamic State, also known as ISIL, is leveraging social media in unprecedented ways through Twitter and other platforms, directing messages to the smartphones of 'disturbed people'' who could be pushed to launch assaults on U.S. targets.
'It's like the devil sitting on their shoulders, saying 'kill, kill, kill,''' Comey said in a meeting with reporters."
The FBI assessment concludes that cultural mechanisms such as hip hop music and video games are being used to recruit people, especially young people, to their cause.  Their sophisticated messaging and tools have one purpose, which is to convince young people to kill.
What are we doing about it?  According to a report from ABC News, "Counterterrorism officials acknowledge privately that the U.S. government is struggling to meet this new threat."  Perhaps that is because the president believed ISIS to be the "J-V team" not long ago.  Obama openly admitted that he initially had no strategy to combat ISIS, so it's not shocking to hear that we've yet to develop a coherent strategy to combat their digital recruitment efforts.
As the threat of ISIS grows within the United States, an attack was attempted this week for which ISIS claims credit and there is reportedly a training camp near our Southern border, the media's focus has been on the "hate speech" promoted by Pamela Geller.  Talk about misplaced priorities.

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