Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Obama Losing His Luster
Americans now view George W. Bush more favorably than they do Barack Obama. 
This is according to the latest CNN/ORC poll : "Bush is seen in a favorable light by 52 percent of those surveyed, compared with 43 percent who still view the 43rd president unfavorably. Americans are split on Obama, with 49 percent responding favorably and unfavorably."

This shouldn't come as a shock to many of you who listen and watch and have chronicled the disastrous presidency of Barack Obama as it has unfolded throughout the years.  
When it comes to Iraq, for example, more people now blame Obama for the current problems plaguing the country rather than George W. Bush.  It's not hard to understand why, if you've been paying attention.  
George W. Bush warned us explicitly about what would happen if we pulled out of Iraq too soon.  In 2007, Bush stated the following at a White House press conference:
"I know some in Washington would like us to start leaving Iraq now. To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we're ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region and for the United States. It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al-Qaeda. It would mean that we'd be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we'd allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we'd be increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous."
Thanks to Obama's ideological obsession with ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we now unfortunately know that Bush was spot-on accurate in his prediction.  ISIS has been able to rise in this vacuum left by the United States and brutally expand its territory in Iraq into Syria and beyond.
It's Not Just ISIS
It's not just the Middle East where Obama's naïve foreign policy has left America and the world worse off.  Take a look at Russia and its continue provocation in Ukraine or China asserting its geopolitical ambitions.

These are not tiny geopolitical flare-ups but seismic shifts in power, which jeopardize stability and possibly our national security.

What's amazing is that Barack Obama doesn't seem to realize how bad he and his policies are perceived by the American people.  Yesterday I told you about his naïve comment that he has made the world respect America more throughout his presidency.  I've just briefly touched on why the opposite is true.

Domestically, Obama is out of touch as well.  He also recently made a comment that he is a president who does not believe in divisive racial politics.  Is he serious?

Our Constitutional law professor turned President has gone out of his way to insert himself into highly charged racial cases before all the facts were known.  Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, the Cambridge Police "acted stupidly" - these are three examples of how he has added fuel to the divisive racial fire in this country in cases where it turned out that race had nothing to do with the case.  

Meanwhile, racial relations in America have declined big-time during his presidency.  Polling shows that more than half of Americans believe that race relations have gotten worse under the president.

It's just so sad that we have a president who is so disconnected from reality.  He says one thing but his actions do not match.  It's no wonder that Obama is losing his charm with the American people.  CNN polling shows that once again, more people disapprove (52%) of Obama's handling of the presidency compared to those who approve (47%).

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