Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Trump Slams Obama's Executive Actions On Guns President Obama continues to defend his plans for new executive actions that strengthen U.S. gun control laws including expanded background checks. During yesterday's press conference the president became emotional when discussing the recent mass shootings that prompted the new actions.

However, the president's sudden surge of emotion seems out of character considering his somewhat stoic demeanor in the face of other tragedies. Shortly after news the murder of James Foley became public last year, for example, President Obama wouldn't even delay his tee time in order to address the incident.
WATCH: Trump Slams Obama on 'Hannity'

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump joined Hannity to discuss the president's executive orders.

"Frankly, if we had situations in California, on our military bases, and even in Paris if you had a few guns in the room you wouldn't have had 130 people killed and many, many people gravely injured," Trump told Sean. "As far as the executive order, you're not supposed to be doing it with executive orders. You're supposed to get the congressmen, get congress in, negotiate a deal, everybody raises their hand, they approve the deal and you have something."

Trump also predicted that the federal government would be sued for the president's new executive orders.

"He'll be out on a golf course in about three years when [the lawsuit] comes up, and probably it won't be upheld," Trump said."The government is being run much differently than our founders had in mind."
Cruz' Hilarious Response To Donald Trump Questioning His Citizenship Texas Senator Ted Cruz is on a roll lately with a number of polls showing he's gaining on frontrunner Donald Trump. One national poll puts Cruz at 24% just behind Trump who commands 28%. Another recent poll puts Cruz at 40% in Iowa over his nearest competitor Donald Trump's 31%.

Cruz's momentum has put him in the crosshairs of some of his competitors for the GOP nomination.

"Other Republican candidates are getting increasingly nervous, they're starting to panic because if conservatives continue to unite behind us then the race is over," Cruz said on The Sean Hannity Show. "My approach, as it has been from the beginning is not to engage in the mud-slinging, not to go back and forth in the personal attacks."

While Cruz seems to be taking the high road, it hasn't stopped him from responding to some of the attacks. Most recently, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has called into question whether or not Cruz' Canadian birth could make him ineligible to be president...continue reading

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