Friday, January 8, 2016


'American Sniper' Chris Kyle's Widow Challenges Obama At Gun Control Town Hall During President Obama's gun control town hall meeting, Taya Kyle, the widow of slain Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, confronted the president on the ineffectiveness his executive actions would have on future gun criminals.

"I understand that background checks aren't necessarily going to stop me from getting a gun," Taya said to President Obama. "But I also know that wouldn't have stopped any of the people here in this room from killing. It almost seems like a false sense of hope."
WATCH: Watch Taya Kyle confront President Obama

Kyle also noted that the murder rate is at an all-time low, something the Obama administration has not acknowledged during their race to take new gun control action.

As you'll see, the president's answer was a labyrinth of dodges and non-sequiturs.
Another 41 Foreign-Born Individuals Snagged On Terror Charges The Washington Free Beacon reported today that it has learned of an additional 41 individuals who have been implicated in terrorist plots in the United States since 2014, bringing the total number of terrorists discovered since that time to 113, according to information provided by Congressional sources.

Since August, however, the Obama administration has stonewalled Congressional efforts to obtain more detailed immigration histories of these individuals, prompting frustration on Capitol Hill and accusation that the administration is covering up these histories to avoid exposing flaws in the U.S. screening process...(continue reading)

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