Friday, February 5, 2016


Hillary Revives A Familiar Conspiracy Theory To Explain Criticism Against Her At the Democratic townhall, Clinton reached into her liberal playbook and revived a very familiar conspiracy theory to explain why she's continues to come under fire from critics.

"Do you still believe there's a vast right-wing conspiracy," moderator Anderson Cooper asked Clinton.
WATCH: Hillary explain the "vast right-wing conspiracy" out to get her

"Don't you?" Hillary responded. "It's gotten even better funded. They've brought in some new multibillionaires to pump the money in."

Of course, Mrs. Clinton wasn't complaining when the multibillionaires of Goldman Sachs cut her a check for $675,000 for a handful of speeches.

David Limbaugh, author of the bestselling The Emmaus Code, actually agrees with Clinton in some respects.

"Of course there is [a conspiracy]," Limbaugh told Sean on Hannity. "We're all conspiring to defeat socialism. She is trying to remake herself. She utterly can't remake herself. She's a terrible candidate so she wants to hang the subject."

"Her problem is not the vast right-wing conspiracy, she already knows we're out to defeat her," Limbaugh continued. "Her problem is the vast left-wing conspiracy...the overt socialists who are behind Bernie Sanders."
Trump OWNS A Heckler Who Said Illegal Immigrants Are The Backbone Of America Whatever you think about Donald J. Trump, one thing is for sure: the man is not flustered by hecklers.
WATCH: Trump's response to a heckler on immigration

At a recent rally in Exeter, New Hampshire, the GOP frontrunner was heckled by a group of activists who shouted that illegal immigrants are "the backbone of this country." Trump's response was classic Donald.

"I don't think so darling," Donald responded to the women in the crowd.

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