Thursday, January 26, 2017


WATCH: Trump Slams Media For Not Reporting On The March For Life President Donald Trump is firing back at the media for their unwillingness to cover the annual D.C. March For Life.
WATCH: Trump fires back at media

The moment came when ABC News' David Muir asked Mr. Trump if he could hear protesters from the Women's march last Saturday.

"I couldn't hear them, but the crowds were large," Trump told Muir. "You're gonna have a large crowd on Friday, too, which is mostly pro-life people. You're gonna have a lot of people coming on Friday, and I will say this, and I didn't realize this, but I was told, you will have a very large crowd of people. I don't know - as large or larger - some people say it's gonna be larger. Pro-life people. And they say the press doesn't cover them...(continue reading)
Trump: I've 'Pretty Much' Made My Decision On Supreme Court Nominee President Donald Trump says he's "pretty much" made up his mind in choosing his nominee for the Supreme Court.

Mr. Trump made the statement during an exclusive interview with Sean Hannity.
WATCH: Sean's interview with Pres. Trump

"I have made my decision pretty much in my mind, yes," Trump told Sean. "That's subject to change at the last moment, but I think this will be a great choice."

Trump is tasked with filling the seat vacated by the late Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away in February of 2016...(continue reading)

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