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Trump Warns Leakers: You Will Be Caught!
Donald Trump had a few choice words this morning for those behind
recent leaks of classified information. In no uncertain terms, the
president told leakers that their days are numbered.
READ: Trump's tweets to leakers of classified info
Trump's crusade against leakers within the intel community comes after
leaks to the media confirmed that former White House National Security
Advisor Mike Flynn was not entirely forthcoming to Vice President Mike
Pence as to the nature of his communications with Russian Ambassador
Sergey Kislyak...(continue reading)
Intel Officials: Flynn Transcripts Don't Show Any Criminal Wrongdoing
to several reports, former White House National Security Advisor Mike
Flynn is unlikely to face any legal jeopardy as a result of his
conversation with Russian officials prior to Donald Trump taking office.
NPR reports that a current U.S. intelligence official has told them that
transcripts of Flynn's conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey
Kislyak show no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. The source also tells
NPR that, "the transcripts don't suggest Flynn was acting under orders
in his conversations."
"I don't think [Flynn] knew he was doing anything wrong," the official
told NPR. "Flynn talked about sanctions, but no specific promises were
made. Flynn was speaking more in general 'maybe we'll take a look at
this going forward' terms...(continue reading)
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