Friday, July 28, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Friday, July 28th
Dodgin' Debbie: DWS Nervous, Avoiding Reporters as IT Scandal Grows
Former Democratic National Committee boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been eerily quiet since news broke of her shady IT staffer's arrest while fleeing the country; shunning reporters and avoiding public appearances as the crisis continues to widen.
BREAKING: North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Towards Japan
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has defied the United States and its allies in the region and has reportedly launched another missile in to the Sea of Japan, according to multiple news sources including CNBC, Reuters, and Japanese News agency NHK.
Trey Gowdy to GOP: The Best We Could Come Up With Was A 'Skinny Plan?'
GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy ripped into republican senators early Friday morning for their total failure to repeal and replace Obamacare, saying they had set "unrealistic expectations" for over seven years and the best they could come up with was a "Skinny Plan."

Gowdy lashed-out at his GOP colleagues while speaking with Fox News, saying he was stunned that after seven months of governing the Senate leadership could barely put together a repeal bill with just "24 hours' notice."
REPORT: FBI General Counsel Under Investigation for Leaking Intel
One of the nation's top attorneys for the FBI is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice for intentionally leaking top-secret material to the press, according to anonymous insiders who spoke with Circa News.

FBI General Counsel James Baker is reportedly the main suspect of an ongoing leak investigation by the DOJ, however insiders refused to elaborate on the contents or specifics of what material made its way to the media.
House Judiciary calls for Special Counsel into Clinton, Comey, Lynch
Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee are asking the Department of Justice to appoint a second special counsel; saying an independent prosecutor is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation of the scandals and crimes surrounding Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and Loretta Lynch.

The GOP representatives requested the special counsel in a letter sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. In the letter, the lawmakers make the case that an independent prosecutor -equal to Bob Mueller's team in power and scope- is needed to properly investigate the former Obama officials.
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