Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Wednesday, August 2nd
Trump Introduces New 'Merit-Based' Immigration System
President Trump and Congressional leaders announced a new 'merit-based' immigration system on Wednesday, introducing new guidelines that would encourage immigrants with key skills and the ability to speak English to come to the United States.
COLLUSION: Mueller Hires ANOTHER Democrat for Trump-Russia Witch Hunt
The special counsel in charge of the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory witch-hunt has hired yet another democratic donor to spearhead the investigation; raising the number to eight individuals who had previously given money to prominent liberals like Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
President Trump Signs, Slams 'Flawed' Russia Sanctions Bill
President Trump signed, then slammed a bipartisan bill on Wednesday that imposes harsh sanctions on Russia over meddling in the 2016 US general election, saying aspects of the legislation were "unconstitutional" that may have "unintended consequences," reports Fox News.

The new sanctions not only punish Russian officials and businesses for interfering in the American election process, but also limit the executive branch's power to ease the sanctions without congressional approval.
DODGY DEBBIE: IT Scandal Investigation Picks Up Steam in Congress
Congressional leaders and lawmakers are moving ahead with their investigation of former Democratic National Committee chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her shady IT staffer; officially requesting a briefing from Capitol Hill Police regarding the widening scandal.

The investigation surrounding Schultz' IT worker, Pakistani native Imran Awan, is picking up steam as officials demand answers over why the Congresswoman kept Awan on her payroll after he was barred from the Capitol, how much access he had to sensitive information, and the circumstances surrounding his arrest.
Ingraham on Hannity: Democrats Out for 'Political Blood' as GOP Backs Off
Conservative commentator and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham slammed congressional republicans on 'Hannity' Tuesday night, telling Sean the GOP lawmakers were playing "gentile" games of politics while the Democrats "were out for blood."

Ingraham ripped the hypocritical "double standard," pointing out that liberals and left-wing activists would be calling for the "heads" of GOP legislators over a variety of scandals and crimes surrounding the Democratic Party.
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McCain SchumerFriend,

Last week, John McCain saved Obamacare despite his campaign promises.

I knew McCain couldn't be trusted, which is why I challenged him in the 2016 Republican primary... where he and his establishment allies spent more than $10 million to defeat me, outspending my campaign by a margin of about 10-1.

I took on McCain's notorious political machine to try to prevent last week's betrayal. 

Sadly, being right about McCain won't help the people of Arizona and the millions of people across the country who will continue to suffer under the Obamacare's skyrocketing premiums and deductibles. This is because a small group of NeverTrump Republicans teamed with ALL the Democrats to hold the America First agenda hostage.

But I'm determined to fight and put an end to this...

That's why I'm challenging one of these establishment "Republicans" right now -- and I'm counting on you to make sure that we don't give Sanctuary Senator Flake the opportunity to betray his campaign promises after 2018.

People ask me all the time what they can do to help, and the biggest thing I need right now is financial support. If you can invest $2500, $250, or even just $25, I will make sure that Sanctuary Senator Flake can't pull a McCain when we FINALLY repeal Obamacare, simplify the tax code, secure our border, and enforce our immigration laws! 

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Learn more about RevenueStripe...
This SHOULD send shivers down their spines!
No way.
They didn't expect him to say THIS.
We couldn't have seen this coming.

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