Thursday, August 3, 2017


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Hannity's Headlines
Thursday, August 3rd
KIM'S THREAT: North Korea Prepared to Send US 'Unexpected Gift Package'
North Korea continues to escalate its war-of-words with the United States, threatening the US with "unexpected gift packages" after the communist nation's second successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile, reports Fox News.
LISTEN: Audio of Infamous Expletive-Laden Scaramucci Call Surfaces Online
The New Yorker released portions of the infamous 'Scaramucci Call' between reporter Ryan Lizza and former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci on Thursday, unveiling a thirteen-minute clip of highlights that ultimately cost the Mooch his job inside the Trump administration.
REPORT: Al Gore's Mansion Uses 21x More Energy Than the Average US Home
Climate-change crusader Al Gore's private mansion outside Nashville, Tennessee uses approximately 21x more energy than the average household in the United States; sparking fresh criticism for the former Vice President as he releases his new movie focusing on global warming.

The new report, released by the National Center for Public Policy Research, analyzed information provided by the utility company that supplies electricity to the former Vice President's estate. According to Fox News, the data shows Gore's 10,000 square foot mansion used over 230,000 kilowatt hours over a twelve-month period.
BREAKING: Mueller Opens Grand Jury in Russia-Trump Investigation
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in Washington, DC to investigate the Russian government's interference in the 2016 general election; a clear sign the probe is gaining steam and moving ahead, reports Fox News.

The grand jury has been quietly working for at least several weeks, according to the Wall Street Journal, and will likely "continue for months" as more and more information comes to light.
WATCH: Angry GOP Factory Worker Calls-Out Paul Ryan to His Face
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was confronted by an angry GOP voter while taking a tour of a manufacturing facility in Wisconsin on Wednesday; blasting republican leadership for breaking their seven-year promise to the American people.

The unnamed factory worker, identified by the Associated Press as a registered republican, confronted the Speaker during the question and answer portion of Ryan's tour of the facility.
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