Friday, August 4, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Friday, August 4th
REPORT: Lynch Colluded with WaPo, NYTimes to Bury Tarmac Meeting Story
Newly released documents obtained by the American Center for Law and Justice show members of the mainstream media knowingly colluded with Hillary's campaign and the Department of Justice to bury news reports of the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting.
Anonymous CNN Sources Rip Jim Acosta
It looks like Jim Acosta's colleagues at CNN have had enough of the correspondent's antics during White House Press briefings.
TROUBLED WATERS: Maxine Thinks Putin is Vice President, Wants Him Impeached
Hyper-liberal Congresswoman Maxine Waters left audience members and television viewers scratching their heads on Friday; confusing Mike Pence with Russian President Vladimir Putin and calling for the impeachment of the Vice President for absolutely no reason.

The Trump-hating liberal was speaking with the View when she was asked about her previous tweets, alleging Vice President Pence was "planning his inauguration" alongside outgoing Press Secretary Sean Spicer in the wake of Robert Mueller's never-ending investigation of President Trump.
MILESTONE: ONE MILLION New Jobs in Trump's First Six Months
The United States has added more than one million jobs since President Donald Trump took office back in January; smashing expectations and pushing consumer confidence and unemployment to levels not seen in 16 years.

The US economy was on fire in July, creating more than 209,000 jobs and smashing analysts' expectations. The unemployment rate fell to just 4.3%, the lowest level seen since the early 2000s.
WATCH: Sessions Drops the Hammer on Leakers
">Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats addressed the nation on Friday, unveiling new steps the Trump administration was taking to crackdown on leakers and prosecute those who illegally share classified material with the media.

Sessions doubled-down on his fight against leakers both inside the administration and throughout the intelligence community, saying the Department of Justice and the FBI were taking bold action to clamp-down on the staggering number of leaks plaguing the White house.
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