Saturday, November 24, 2012


The Death of a nation
By Jack Knight
    The death of a nation occurred last Tuesday in Ohio. The American Dream was high jacked, stripped and sold to a coalition of  Blacks, Latinos, Gays, Feminists,  Government Workers, Gore Environmentalists, Misinformed youth, the Media, Illegal Aliens, Hollywood, the   long-term unemployed and  George Soros and his friends.
     Racism and class warfare now pervade our land like creeping clouds of napalm. The war of bigotry   and class politics has been raised to new heights by the Obama campaign, all about power bought with things. This group, using Black guilt and political correctness has stolen the nation from within, nary a shot fired.
    White Christian males discovered, explored and built this Republic.   They formed a government of and for the people   so each of us could have unfettered opportunities for obtaining the American 
    Now our nation’s   Constitution has been replaced by Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.
    The forty-eight percent   can no longer sustain the cost of providing things carte blanch   for members of this coalition. The price now   exceeds the imagination.
    These groups have sold their soul to the Democrat Party thereby becoming recipients of things belonging to the people, things we cannot and could never afford.
    A few conservatives are concerned this coalition can never be out voted;   their main goal being extinction of the White Christian male.
    Latinos are already conservative. That is, they believe in God, country and family and have a strong work ethic. We see them everyday throughout America doing the menial jobs with low pay, while the chronically unemployed and the welfare mothers continue to draw government checks...
    Why not Blacks conservatives, the majority are   devout,     core driven Christians who are ashamed of 98 percent of their partys platform, yet an overwhelming number have been enticed by their political leaders into becoming loyal wards of one party politics.
    This Black leadership, even after the election a black man twice to the  highest office of the land,  continues to use paternal racism, Intimidation ,  political correctness and  Uncle Tomism to stay in power through gifts of all things for their constituents,    thereby placing more Blacks into more poverty and higher  dependency  upon the Party than ever before.
    What will happen to remnant America, formerly the greatest Republic in the history of time; discovered, explored and built by White Christian males.
Jack Knight is a retired Los Angeles City Schools Mathematics and computer science teacher, reach him at

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