Thursday, August 15, 2013


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for August 15th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

10 images mocking George W. Bush that were far worse than a harmless rodeo clown

Over the years, I’ve meticulously chronicled progressive haters and their rank hypocrisy...

NBC: Businesses cutting employee hours because of Obamacare; White House: Nuh-uh!

Last month, Jay Carney said that the suggestion that Obamacare is reducing full-time hiring is “belied by the facts,” not unlike Jay Carney usually is...

Stop Common Core video of the day: 3 x 4 = 11

Loyal readers know of my longtime crusade against fuzzy math/Everyday Math and Common Core educational corruption...

More From the Right Side of the Web

Featured Video

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This morning on "FOX & Friends," Michelle talked about Sen. Rubio's support for Shamnesty and the Left's obsession with a rodeo clown.

Michelle's Top Tweets

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And ... Our Hate Tweet of the Day

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Truly an honor to be acknowledged by a wordsmith like Ringo.

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