Wednesday, March 18, 2015


A Win for Netanyahu
Perhaps much to the dismay of the Obama White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party won a decisive victory, putting Netanyahu on track for a fourth term as Prime Minister of Israel.

With a record turnout in the Israeli elections, Netanyahu's Likud party won thirty seats in the Israeli Parliament. Now it will be tasked with forming a coalition where Netanyahu will take on his fourth term as Prime Minister. As he said in a statement on Facebook, “Against all odds, a great victory for the Likud, for the nationalist camp led by the Likud, and for the people of Israel.”

Congratulations to Prime Minister Netanyahu for his victory. Israel and the world will be better off for it.

Unfortunately the White House couldn't bring itself to congratulate Netanyahu this morning on CNN. I'm not surprised by this, considering how hard the administration worked to undermine Netanyahu's re-election ( and with your tax dollars!).

The liberal, Obamamania Media also did its best to heighten the stakes against Netanyahu, claiming that a victory for for him could destroy peace with the Palestinians and Obama.

At a time when the existence of Israel is virtually being negotiated away by the Obama administration, the relationship with Obama and Netanyahu couldn't be worse. Going forward, expect the divide in terms of rhetoric and style to continue. After all, Obama is a rigid ideologue who is set in his ways of appeasement and political correctness. Juxtapose that to the moral clarity and leadership of Netanyahu. Compared to Obama, Netanyahu seems like the only adult on the world stage who is willing to call out the evil of radical Islamic terrorism for what it is and the only one who is willing to stand up to the mad Mullahs of Iran in their quest to achieve nuclear weapons.

The depth and depravity of Obama in trying to undermine Netanyahu and his efforts to save his country is beyond troubling.

Perhaps Netanyahu will receive help from the American Senate, where a bipartisan group of senators is working on a bill that would give them a say in the Iranian nuclear deal. A veto-proof majority may be possible, with 54 Republicans and as many as 11 Democrats signaling support. This has the administration – including Obama himself – working tirelessly to reach out to Democrats and lobby them against undermining his nuclear deal.

Nobody can doubt Netanyahu's love of Israel, and his fight to save its very existence hangs in the balance of Israel's supposed greatest ally, the United States of America. It's almost unfathomable that it has come to this.
The Most Transparent Administration in History?
Remember when Barack Obama promised to be the most transparent administration in history?

Even throughout his presidency he has tried to brag about the supposed transparency of his administration.

But the American people aren't buying it.

More than two-thirds of Americans feel this White House is not the most open and transparent.

They would be correct.

In fact, a new analysis from the Associated Press finds that, “The Obama administration set a new record again for more often than ever censoring government files or outright denying access to them last year under the Freedom of Information Act … It also acknowledged in nearly 1 in 3 cases that its initial decisions to withhold or censor records were improper under the law - but only when it was challenged.”

Shameful. The American people deserve better from our government.

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