Monday, September 26, 2011


Still Looking for a Candidate to Replace Obama
Michael Barone

Capitalism's Biggest Users
Katie Kieffer

I Found My Thrill in the Chapel on the Hill
Mike Adams

Barack Blames Blacks, Bush, Banks, Budget, You
John Ransom

Obama's Cabinet Does The Hokey Pokey
Lurita Doan

Taxpayers Hit for Stupid Loans by Stupid Banks
Mike Shedlock

Obama Analyst Says Son-of-Stimulus Will Create "Drag on Economy"
Bob Beauprez

Obama and Buffett: Clueless on Taxes
Bruce Bialosky

Obamanomics: Failed Theory in Practice
Dan Holler

Obama's Biggest Lies
Peter Ferrara

Home of the Dependent and the Hopeless?
Terry Paulson

Earth to Gov. Perry: True "Heart" Means No Benefits to Illegals
Heidi Harris

Sarah Palin Can Save This Republic
Crista Huff


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