Friday, September 16, 2011


Billions Under Scrutiny as Obama’s 'Crony-Gate' Widens
NYC’s Bloomberg: Economy Woes Will Lead to 'Riots'
Special: Economist Warns: 50% Unemployment Possible. See the Evidence.
Consumer Expectations Plunge to 31-Year Low
Hillary Is America’s Most Popular Politician

Special: The Truth About Obama

Doctor: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Can Be Prevented
The Healing Powers of Olive Oil
Unless we take action NOW, this Internet privacy invasion will happen!

In 60 days, the President Obama FCC regulations could bring a "Fairness Doctrine" type control to the web. The old broadcaster Fairness Doctrine required [forced] broadcasters to devote some [a lot] of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting [one-sided liberal] views regarding those matters. The main agenda for the doctrine was to allow the current administration to be able to control what opinions viewers are exposed to. Though it may come across as supporting fair and balanced reporting, the current President Obama FCC stacks the deck against every American!

The new regulations that will be promulgated could force websites to "balance fair treatment of competing content." So like the old "Fairness Doctrine" the new regulations that the FCC could create would force individual websites to provide content we believe to be liberal tripe or have the legal costs ready to defend ourselves.

Additionally, as we have seen around the world during "the Arab Spring," governments have made people turn off the Internet. We must insure that this NEVER happens in the United States of America!

President Obama has taken control of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and of YOUR Internet service.

In reality, the US government can turn OFF the Internet!

Last Friday, overshadowed by the 9-11 events, the White House Office of Management and Budget signed off on this ruling, paving the way for its publication in the Federal Register, a process that usually takes one to three weeks. These controversial new Internet rules adopted late last year by the Federal Communications Commission (on a vote of 3-2---3 Democrats appointed by Obama versus 2 Republicans) are one step closer to reality, which will create additional lawsuits.

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