Thursday, September 1, 2011


     "Lawless" ... that's how Congressman Steven King (R-IA) describes Barack Obama's decision to trash and circumvent the laws that he swore to uphold by dictatorially granting backdoor amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

     King specifically stated: "Congress writes the laws and the Executive Branch enforces them. For the president to have his subordinates declare and announce they're not going to enforce the law is de facto amnesty. It's essentially a de facto repealing of immigration laws; it's a lawless decision, and I am very offended by it - and we must take action."

     And Congressman King is about to do just that... Take Action. King has joined others, including Congressmen Allen West (R-FL) and Candice Miller (R-MI), in calling on Congress to initiate Congressional hearings into Obama's latest attempt to circumvent the law and the Constitution. And it is imperative that we add our voices to King's right here and right now... at this very moment.

     Barack Obama has gone too far. He's crossed the line, too many times, and now is the time for our elected officials in Congress to finally do their Constitutional duty and hold Barack Obama and his administration accountable.

     It's time for our Republican officials in Congress to finally grow some spines and send Barack Obama a message that they should have sent him long ago. You are NOT above the law, Mr. Obama. And you are NOT the law. The time to send Obama that message is right now.

Attacking the American Dream

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