Thursday, November 3, 2011


Senate to Block Competing Infrastructure Bills Senate to Block Competing Infrastructure Bills

[TH Magazine] The Nanny State's Vision: A World Wide Web of Taxes[TH Magazine] The Nanny State's Vision: A World Wide Web of Taxes

Perry Denies Leaking Sexual Harassment Allegations Against CainPerry Denies Leaking Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Cain




Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: Why Our Blacks are Better Than Their Blacks By spending the last three decades leveling accusations of "racism" every 10 seconds, liberals have made it virtually impossible for Americans to recognize real racism -- for example, the racism constantly spewed at black conservatives.

Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson: Who Are These Fat-Cat Few at the Top? First lady Michelle Obama the other day railed at "the few at the top," who do all sorts of bad things. A few months ago, we began hearing of the "1 percent" who are responsible for the current economic mess. "They" apparently make all their money at the expense of the other 99 percent. Are they the same as last year's villains, who had not paid "their fair share" in making over $200,000 in annual income?

Larry Elder Larry Elder: Media AWOL on Sexual Indiscretion -- When Jesse Jackson Was Front-runner Charles Krauthammer of Fox News: "Do you think that race, being a strong black conservative, has anything to do with the fact you've been so charged (with sexual harassment)? And if so, do you have any evidence to support that?"

Michael Barone Michael Barone: Cain Catches Flak, but Will It Sink His Candidacy Washington was all a-Twitter (literally) Monday over Politico's story about the sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain -- and about Cain's serial self-contradictions.

Jeff Jacoby Jeff Jacoby: Occupiers, Tea Partiers, and the Tenth Commandment At the Occupy Phoenix demonstrations, fliers encourage protesters to violently resist police officers, asserting that "you will usually have only two options: submit, or kill the cop." At Zuccotti Park in Manhattan, an Occupy Wall Street protester was sexually assaulted in her tent; according to the New York Post, a woman was raped at the same site a few weeks earlier.

Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Why We Need Not Envy China Up to 40 million Chinese people still live in caves. That's more than the populations of Texas and Illinois, combined. In fairness, a fraction of these caves are apparently pretty nice, complete with electricity and well-compacted dirt floors. But that's grading on a curve because, well, they're still caves.

Judge Andrew Napolitano Judge Andrew Napolitano: Look at What the Government Has Done with Your Money The federal government has lost another 72 million of your tax dollars. Here we go again.

Mike Adams Mike Adams: Exposing Edward Larkin Tenure must go. And so must Professor’s unions. If you don’t agree with me then perhaps you have yet to familiarize yourself with the case of Professor Edward Larkin. This tenured psychopath will keep his job despite exposing himself in public in front of a 17-year old girl and her mother.

John Ransom John Ransom: The Limited Government of Half the Agenda and Double the Price The centrist elements have often led the country to believe that limited government meant accepting half the social and economic agenda that more radical Democrats propose.

Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Herman Cain's Gauntlet When it comes to sex, the media apply different standards to Republicans and Democrats.

Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Herman Cain: 9-9-9 Meets 1-2-3 Who wants to be Paula Jones? Or Kathleen Willey or Anita Hill? All three women have accused political icons -- Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton and Clarence Thomas -- of sexually harassing them.

Matt Towery Matt Towery: How to Handle the "Occupiers": America's New Great Mayor Kasim Reed is a Democrat. He supports President Obama. He's no candidate for converting to the GOP. But whether one is a Republican or Democrat, they should be following the career of this young and vibrant man who is teaching the rest of America how to handle a crisis.

Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey: Dave Says Build a Cash Reserve I’ve had my own business for a few years, and I’m finally starting to see some real money. I want to make sure I don’t mess things up now. How important is it for a small business to have some kind of cash reserve?

Rich Galen Rich Galen: Cain-sian Politics I haven't got a clue what happened or didn't happen while Herman Cain was CEO of the National Restaurant Association. There appear to be fewer than a dozen people -- the two women and their lawyers, the general counsel and whoever produced the paperwork at the association, the people who wrote and signed the checks, and Herman Cain -- who do know, and as of this writing none of them are talking. So, let's put aside what, if anything, Cain did wrong.

Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Dividend Futures: A Rocky Road Ahead What the S&P 500's dividend futures are signaling is that these quarters will be pretty lackluster in terms of overall economic growth. Given the lagging effect of the dividends, we currently expect the U.S. economy to begin slowing significantly in the first quarter of 2012, recover a bit, then fall back in the second half of the year.

Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Nader, Harkin Call for Transaction Tax A tax on trading seems like nirvana to a lot of people that don’t understand the unintended consequences of that particular tax. The tax wouldn’t just ensnare the darned greedy speculators, but it would ensnare every single American consumer in a variety of under the radar ways.

Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: The Great Euro Recesssion With China slowing, the US slowing, and much of the rest of Europe in widely-recognized contraction, the vaunted German export machine has a shrinking pool of able and willing buyers.

Crystal Wright Crystal Wright: Black Democrat Derides Cain as "Knowing His Place" in GOP As we find ourselves gliding through another week of political headlines, I continue to be amazed by the ream of personal attacks mounted against Herman Cain by black liberals. From calling Cain a “sell out” to “Uncle Tom” because he chooses to be a Republican doesn’t sound like progressive talk to me but rather backwards racist talk.

Michael Brown Michael Brown: "Mutant" as a Codeword for "Gay" in the X-Men Movies The X-Men movie series, based on the comic books of the same name, is well-known for its unusual cast of gifted mutants and for its extraordinary special effects. What is not as widely known about the X-Men is the fact that the movies, along with the comic books, draw many clear parallels between the mutants and the gay and lesbian community.

Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: Still Dodging Our Harsh Budget Reality For the next 12 months, Americans will be in suspense waiting to find out who will win the presidential election and thus determine the fate of the nation for years to come. Too bad that by then, it may not matter so much.

Douglas MacKinnon Douglas MacKinnon: A Conservative Woman in the Arena As our nation and our world spin more and more dangerously out of control because fewer and fewer people of substance, faith, and integrity are willing to step into that perilous arena, we need to pause every once in a while to acknowledge those who have.

Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Bah Humbug: 'Tis The Season to be an Analyst In no way do I want to contribute to unemployment, but perhaps the most useless profession is equities analyst. However, every bank, brokerage firm, mutual fund, and broker dealer seems to differ with my opinion because they employ dozens of these people.

Bob Goldman Bob Goldman: Dying to Become an HR Director Fortunately, you don't have to die to become an HR director, or, at least, to know how they think. Simply acquire a copy of "Congratulations ... You're Hired" by Patricia D. Sadar and Teresa Kerrigan.

Jackie Gingrich Cushman Jackie Gingrich Cushman: One Year Countdown It will take more than a generic Republican candidate to defeat President Obama next year. Repubicans will need a leader that can inspire millions to get involved and take action. Enthusiasm, optimism and passion are called for to make the movement work.

Robert Morrison Robert Morrison: What's Wrong with 'Tolerance'? Abdullah Saeed’s article is an eloquent expression of the need for greater openness within Islam. He concedes that the strong case he makes for religious liberty is not observed in Muslim majority countries today.

Justin Hart Justin Hart: Mormonism and Islam: Another Look Man up, Mr. Youssef. What are you really trying to say? You imply: A) differences in theology shouldn’t matter in an election; B) but the Mormon church is basically Islam is disguise; and C) don’t vote for Mitt Romney.

Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Solyndra is Simply the Beginning The White House's half billion dollar loan to a now- bankrupt solar panel firm is just the first act in an emerging scandal of insider political influence over a deeply flawed, and possibly corrupt, clean energy program.

David Sterman David Sterman: Could This Iconic American Company Go Bankrupt? The company is locked in a showdown with its lenders, and they hold the cards. To keep them at bay, the company needs to raise cash, primarily through the sales of assets and legacy businesses.

David Malcolm David Malcolm: Beyond the Beltway: Courting Silence It is a revealing, and perhaps sad, commentary on the state of the GOP nomination process that so little - if any - discussion has been spent on the proper role of the federal government's most powerful branch, the scope of its powers, and the identity of its future members.

Jack Bouroudjian Jack Bouroudjian: Whether We’ve Weathered As you know I’ve been following this MF Global story very closely, and the more I read the more upset I get. MF Global was a big institution with a lot of positions—futures, options, stocks, ETFs—and they were all overleveraged by one gigantic egomaniac named Jon Corzine, Mr. Champagne Socialist, the former co-chair of Goldman Sachs and former New Jersey governor.

Peter Ferrara Peter Ferrara: Paul Ryan Schools Obama on America At the Heritage Foundation last week, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan demonstrated why he doesn't need to be running for President to be framing the debate for 2012. He delivered there on October 26 a breathtakingly beautiful speech on Saving the American Idea, which defines the Spirit of 2012.

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: Democracy Versus Mob Rule In various cities across the country, mobs of mostly young, mostly incoherent, often noisy and sometimes violent demonstrators are making themselves a major nuisance.

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Occupy Oakland's Dangerous "Strike" Follies The next stage of the Aimless Occupation of America is upon us: On Wednesday, rabble-rousers in the San Francisco Bay Area will walk off jobs they don't have and encourage everyone else around the country to abandon work to protest high unemployment.

Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Democracy Is Impossible After Moammar Gadhafi's downfall as Libya's tyrannical ruler, politicians and "experts" are saying that his death marked the end of 42 years of tyranny and the beginning of democracy in Libya. It's good to see the removal of a tyrant, but if we're going to be realistic, there's little hope for the emergence of what we in the West call a democracy.

Obama Named Most Powerful Man in the World comments  (121)  


Whoa: Third Woman Claims She Was Sexually Harassed by Cain comments  (1159)  


Witness to Alleged Harassment: If Details Come Out, Cain's Finished comments  (964)  


More Guns Provided Through Fast and Furious Found in Arizona Raid comments  (87)  


Confirmed: Occupy Wall Street Not That Young or Diverse or Unemployed comments  (72)  


Here We Go: Cain Accuser Wants to Talk? UPDATE: Maybe Not? comments  (324)  


AZ Gov. Brewer: The Buck Stops With Eric Holder comments  (108)  


Trending Worldwide: Financial Aid from Communist China


Herman Cain Dominating in South Carolina comments  (100)  


Homeland Security to Monitor Twitter For Social Unrest comments  (157)  


Condoleezza Rice: I am Not Interested in Being Vice President comments  (36)  


House Reaffirms 'In God We Trust' as US Motto comments  (191)  


Rice: Mideast Peace Prospects Worsened Under Obama comments  (79)  


Do We Really Need the Peace Corps? comments  (29)  


MSNBC Host: Why Should People Have Guns When We Have Cops comments  (860)  


Assistant AG Breuer Blames Second Amendment For Gun Walking comments  (343)  


Absolutely Hysterical: Stephen Colbert Takes on OWS comments  (163)  


Scott Brown Sets the Record Straight comments  (68)  


Townhall: Your 2012 Election Headquarters comments  (40)  


Collateral Damage: OWS Forces Cafe to Fire Workers comments  (41)  


Jackpot: Cain Enjoys Biggest Online Fundraising Day To Date comments  (433)  


The Obama DOJ: Now Serving South Carolina comments  (165)  


Super Committee Getting a Reminder from Bankrupting America

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