Monday, November 21, 2011



Supercommittee Total Failure: 'This Marriage is Over' Supercommittee Total Failure: 'This Marriage is Over'

Dems to Obama: Yeah, You Should Probably Just QuitDems to Obama: Yeah, You Should Probably Just Quit

Dana Perino: I'm Still for George W. BushDana Perino: I'm Still for George W. Bush

Star Parker Star Parker: The Declaration of Independence Defines Our Principles By the end of next summer we’ll know if the federal government can force individuals to buy health insurance and if they can force states to comply with a newly expanded Medicaid program.
Michael Barone Michael Barone: Put Tax Breaks for Mortgages, Local Taxes on Table Supercommittee members Sen. Pat Toomey and Rep. Jeb Hensarling are taking flak from some conservatives for proposing a deal including increases in "revenues," and a Washington Post reporter had some fun insinuating that they were backing a tax-rate increase.
Katie Kieffer Katie Kieffer: Piping Up Oil Jobs Like a good neighbor, Canada is there—offering America tens of thousands of jobs, protection against soaring gas prices and up to 700,000 barrels of crude oil a day for Oklahoma and Gulf Coast refineries to process—if America accepts TransCanada’s proposal to build the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta’s tar sands to the Gulf Coast.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Occupy Wall Street Labor Day Telethon There’s big news breaking simultaneously in the world of entertainment and in the not-so-different world of politics. Jerry Lewis is coming out of retirement. And he’s doing it just in time for the first annual Occupy Wall Street Labor Day Telethon.
John Ransom John Ransom: Obama as Mr. Chicken Obama was more believable in the role of the do-nothing Senator than he has been as president. And there is a real danger that before our current chicken-in-chief can go back to writing fictionalized accounts of his own, heroic, do-nothing life that the USA will become the United States of Europe.
John Hanlon John Hanlon: Interview: Mitch Albom on Faith, “Tuesdays With Morrie” and finding his Glory “That was really an accident,” Mitch Albom recently told about his first nonfiction book, “Tuesdays with Morrie.” At the time, the sports columnist was just trying to earn money to help pay his former professor’s medical bills. However, when the book was published, it became something more. An international sensation. It also changed Albom’s life.
John Hanlon John Hanlon: Interview: Mitch Albom on Faith, “Tuesdays With Morrie” and finding his Glory “That was really an accident,” Mitch Albom recently called the publication of his first nonfiction book, “Tuesdays with Morrie.” At the time, the sports columnist was just trying to earn money to help pay his former professor’s medical bills. However, when the book was published, it became something more. An international sensation. It also changed Albom’s life.
Lurita Doan Lurita Doan: New Spending Bill, More Fiscal Stupidity If Congress was ever in search for a theme song, it would surely be the 60’s hit by Sonny and Cher called—“The Beat Goes On”. Americans received yet another reminder of just how far this group of fiscal miscreants will go to avoid making tough budget decisions when Congress passed a “minibus” spending bill.
Paul Jacob Paul Jacob: Benefits for the few, bankruptcy for the many Marx said class conflict arises from the modes of production. Well, the ultimate class conflict is between workers who produce and get paid from trade revenues, and those who work for government and get paid from taxes.
Bruce Bialosky Bruce Bialosky: They are Just Soft Whiners What we have are the young Americans of the Occupy generation, a group of people who went through college expecting (yes, expecting) that upon graduation, they would be rewarded with a job where they would continue to be pampered. Someone needs to slap these kids across the head.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Do Government Programs Help Dislocated Workers If you ever find yourself unemployed, never, never, ever spend more than the minimal amount of time that you are required to in a government job placement office.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Change the Climate Toward Risk We have been trying to bail out banks and other companies worldwide since the crisis first manifested itself in August of 2007. It’s been one bad decision after another.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: DHS and DOJ ignore the Rule of Law Regrettably, the announcement by DHS is the latest in a long list of government inaction when it comes to enforcing America’s immigration and criminal laws. This form of selective enforcement also ignores the harm illegal immigration poses on citizens and legal immigrants alike.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: China Admits Chronic Global Recession In a world of global economic denial about the Euro, about deficits in the US, about housing bubbles in Australia, China, and Canada, and in general denial about every economic woe the world faces, one might ask "why this astonishing admission?"
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Creating the Global Powder Keg What European commission has done, on an economic parallel, is to cock their gun and point it at Switzerland, telling them to give Greece their money back.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: In Semi-Defense of OWS Protesters I consider myself a tough-on-crime conservative, but mixed with a strong libertarian belief in individual rights. As I said in an earlier post, the real key is to make sure laws are just.
Dan Holler Dan Holler: Super Duper Washington Logic Two weeks ago, America witnessed the absurdity of a relatively obscure law when the Obama administration announced a 15-cent tax on Christmas trees. After the diligent research of The Heritage Foundation prompted a public outcry, the administration quickly postponed (but not eliminated) the tax. Perhaps more interesting is how the tax came about.
Kathy Fettke Kathy Fettke: Harp Playing for Obama New-Old Home Program This means that when lenders refinance loans through HARP 2.0, they are free of any legal obligations to the old or the new loan. (Borrowers, make sure you read the fine print!)
Terry Paulson Terry Paulson: Long Live the American Dream Liberal politicians and the occupiers who are encamped in our cities are selling a discouraging story that the American Dream is dead and out of the reach for the average citizen without government actively engaging in wealth redistribution and entitlement programs.
Army's New Toy: Strike Anywhere on Earth in One Hour comments  (123)  
New Movement: Free Wall Street comments  (135)  
DOE Sec. Chu: Solyndra Was Based on Merits, Not Politics comments  (152)  
Christmas Tree Tax Officially Dropped comments  (26)  

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