Tuesday, November 8, 2011


RAVPAC Email Banner


Dear American,

When it was being debated in Congress we all knew that ObamaCare would be a disaster. Experts testified and the public overwhelmingly rejected it.

Congress ignored every warning.

Since passage, it has become painfully clear that even our worst fears underestimated the damage ObamaCare is doing to the country and to our own healthcare.


It is a cascading catastrophe that has already started — raising costs, destroying the economy, strangling job growth and limiting access to doctors.

Now, we learn that 80-100 million Americans will be DROPPED by their employers' insurance coverage and forced into state ObamaCare health exchanges. You won't be keeping your own doctor or your own coverage!

Anything else you are hearing are lobbyist lies, special interest spin and political propaganda.

Now, we learn that 87% of doctors will REFUSE to accept Medicare patients or severely limit services for existing patients! Seniors won't find a doctor to treat them.

ObamaCare is a healthcare access nightmare!

And, we have already seen that health care costs have exploded this year faster than ever before.

Massachusetts, the state "model" for national ObamaCare, would have bankrupted that state, except Obama has the federal government bailing Massachusetts out with federal aid.

Our citizens' action group has petitioned the Congress for a redress of grievances with the largest petition drive in American history.

Help RAVPAC send an unmistakable message — ignore the will of the American people and face certain defeat.

Mike Huckabee helped us take our message to the American people in a series of TV ads that reached millions of Americans — DEMANDING Congress halt ObamaCare in its tracks!

On October 5th we delivered 1.6 million petitions to the U.S. Senate.

We are sending faxes everyday and voice petitions into Senate offices every night, where ObamaCare repeal has stalled.

If these arrogant, out-of-touch Senators refuse to listen to the obvious facts and the voice of the American people, we have one more recourse — they must be defeated for re-election and removed from office. Every one of them.

Will you help us raise the funds to see these legislators retired forever?
It is time for us to go into these Senators' states — there are 23 of them up for re-election — who first voted for and then refused twice to repeal ObamaCare.

In West Virginia and Missouri and Montana and California and everywhere else they have refused to listen we will make the case that they just don't care about the will of the people… or the looming disaster called ObamaCare. They don't deserve the title "public servant" because they are not serving us, or caring for the common good.

We want to put up old fashioned billboards and take out radio ads and newspaper ads to put front and center what they would rather not talk about — their betrayal of the public trust.

Please give generously so we can Restore America's Voice, reclaim the clout of the average citizen, erase this disaster from the books and retire these arrogant and uncaring politicians from the national stage.


Let's talk about Joe Manchin, for example, from West Virginia.

In a campaign ad he took a rifle and short range target with the Cap and Trade bill while vowing to "get Washington off our backs…" He talked a good game of serving the people, but the reality is far different.

He voted for the government takeover of 1/6th of our economy when he supported ObamaCare. Our petitions have made no difference to him. He has twice voted to block repeal.

He is simply a politician who says one thing but does another.

He's got to go — because wherever we live, Joe Manchin from West Virginia is working against us.

Please help us defeat Joe Manchin by donating to RAVPAC now.

West Virginia needs our billboards: "Why Has Joe Manchin Blocked Repeal of ObamaCare and Ignored the Will of the People?"

We have work to do to Restore America's Voice. On a wide range of issues — starting with repeal of ObamaCare — political elites like Joe Manchin are ignoring the common sense, good judgment and majority opinion of our citizens.

They are ruining the country.

And they act like they, not the sovereign American people, are masters of our government.

Help RAVPAC send an unmistakable message — ignore the will of the American people and face certain defeat.

At doctors' offices across the nation senior citizens are being turned away. Healthcare costs are exploding. And very soon, the IRS will come after you if you refuse to participate in the costly government takeover of healthcare.

ObamaCare has killed job growth and will soon destroy your healthcare.

Let's move these Senators who pretend to work for the people out of responsibility for public policy. Let's "realign" politics to once again listen and respond to the American electorate.

Help me Restore America's Voice. Help us save the nation from our own politicians.

Thank you,
Ken Hoagland

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