Wednesday, November 2, 2011



House Reaffirms 'In God We Trust' as US Motto House Reaffirms 'In God We Trust' as US Motto

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Rice: Mideast Peace Prospects Worsened Under ObamaRice: Mideast Peace Prospects Worsened Under Obama

Do We Really Need the Peace Corps?Do We Really Need the Peace Corps?

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: Democracy Versus Mob Rule In various cities across the country, mobs of mostly young, mostly incoherent, often noisy and sometimes violent demonstrators are making themselves a major nuisance.
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Occupy Oakland's Dangerous "Strike" Follies The next stage of the Aimless Occupation of America is upon us: On Wednesday, rabble-rousers in the San Francisco Bay Area will walk off jobs they don't have and encourage everyone else around the country to abandon work to protest high unemployment.
John Stossel John Stossel: The Stupidity of "Buy American" One sign of economic ignorance is the faith that "Buy American" is the path to prosperity. My former employer, ABC News, did a week's worth of stories claiming that "buying American" would put Americans back to work.
Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Democracy Is Impossible After Moammar Gadhafi's downfall as Libya's tyrannical ruler, politicians and "experts" are saying that his death marked the end of 42 years of tyranny and the beginning of democracy in Libya. It's good to see the removal of a tyrant, but if we're going to be realistic, there's little hope for the emergence of what we in the West call a democracy.
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: Protests Go Violent, but Media Stay Syrupy NBC anchor Brian Williams, in the argot of the moment, certainly belongs to "The One Percent." He lives in the glass-encased Bloomberg Tower in mid-town Manhattan, 34 stories above the tony restaurant Le Cirque at 58th Street and Lexington Avenue.
Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: Doomsday Cultists in Science Frederick vom Saal, who is wrong with the same consistency and regularity, is another story. vom Saal is the University of Missouri researcher who has created a mini-industry of opposing use of the chemical Bisphenol A or BPA.
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Tim Pawlenty's Lost Chance Looking back on the events of 2011, who do you think has more regrets for his bad decisions, Hosni Mubarak or former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty?
Michael Reagan Michael Reagan: No Shame Ask yourself: If similar accusations were aimed at any liberal candidate would the mainstream media, aside from condemning the charges, give them much publicity? Ask Paula Jones, harassed by the media for daring to accuse President Clinton of sexually abusing her. They smeared her mercilessly.
Tony Blankley Tony Blankley: A Time for Statesmen Now is a particularly dangerous moment for American national security interests. Not just because threats are growing. Not just because the current administration is making a historic bungle from China to Iraq to Iran to Russia to Europe to Mexico to our historic allies in the Middle East -- both Jewish and Muslim. All that would be bad enough.
John Hanlon John Hanlon: Corporate Villains, "In Time" and Occupy Wall Street Several months ago, film critic Nell Minow – aka The Movie Mom-- presented a segment on “Roger Ebert Presents” about corporate villians and she noted that "the most frequent villian in movies is the American corporation." She added that many films, which are often made and distributed by corporations themselves, use corporations as their “villain of choice”.
Michael Medved Michael Medved: Drop the Immigration Distraction With Rick Perry suddenly pushing a flat tax and Herman Cain substantively revising his popular 9-9-9 revenue plan, GOP candidates may finally refocus their feverish, fatuous immigration obsession, dropping an issue emphasis that’s destructive, distracting, demented and downright dumb.
Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro: From Arab Spring to Springtime for Hitler There are reports out of Washington, D.C., this week that the Obama administration is in a regular tizzy about the possibility that Israel will strike Iran's nuclear facilities without U.S. help or permission.
Terry Jeffrey Terry Jeffrey: Put Constitutional Cap on Federal Spending If anything good came out of the deal House Speaker John Boehner cut with President Barack Obama to increase the limit on the federal debt by as much as $2.4 trillion, it was that the legislation enacting that increase also provided that by the end of this year both houses of Congress must vote on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
David Harsanyi David Harsanyi: You Want More Equality? Support More Capitalism A person can't go but a few clicks on the Internet these days without tripping over some shocking item about the "explosion" of income inequality that has, like the dark smog of capitalistic excess, been choking the life out of this unjust nation.
Humberto Fontova Humberto Fontova: Bigotry and "Hate-Speech" at The Washington Post The Washington Post's vendetta against Cuban-American Marco Rubio continues with another hit-piece last week and with MSM soulmates CNN and The Los Angeles Times chiming in. But the WaPo's rancor against the most lopsidedly Republican voters in America didn’t start with the Rubio hit-piece last month.
Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey: Dave Says Gambling is Not a Career Move The movies and cable networks have glamorized poker and the world of gambling. But there’s one sure way to tell whether the house will win or you will win in the long run. Look at your place, and then look at theirs.
Austin Bay Austin Bay: Greece's Papandreou Gambles on Democracy To the chagrin of European Union negotiators, the Greek government of Prime Minister George Papandreou has decided to ask the Greek public to give its yea or nay regarding the terms of the European Union's latest bailout agreement.
Tony Marsh Tony Marsh: OWS and Big Labor Hands China Economic Dominance Both Labor and Occupy bemoan a dilapidated economy that can’t create jobs; both blame capitalism for the paucity of those jobs, and both are bent on a series of actions that assures the U.S. never sees the jobs they each claim to want.
Paul Tracy Paul Tracy: Warren Buffett Just Bought 189,000 Shares of This "Forever" Stock According to Berkshire Hathaway's (NYSE: BRK-B) most recent filing, the company just purchased 189,000 more shares of this stock. Buffett and Berkshire already had a 216,000 share stake in the company. With the new purchase, they now own 405,000 shares -- a stake worth roughly $125 million.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Projecting Fourth Quarter 2011 GDP Using the advance GDP estimate for the third quarter of 2011, which will be revised at least twice more before being "finalized" (pending later revisions), we can reasonably project that the inflation-adjusted value of U.S. GDP for the fourth quarter of 2011.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Corzine: Goldman, Governor, Senator, Fraud? Segregating those funds is a sacred trust between trader and firm. There is no higher calling for a firm. Your customer accounts are sacrosanct. You might earn a little yield over night on the excess in the overnight Repo market, but you never put those funds at risk. That’s the traders job.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Is Papandreou Preparing for a Military Coup or Afraid of One? One thing we know is Papandreou's call for a vote of confidence is on. We also know his fragile coalition holds an extremely slim 3 margin majority in Parliament.
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz Carrie Schwab Pomerantz: For Older Workers: How Long Can You Contribute to Your 401(k)? As long as you're working and your employer offers a 401(k) plan, you're eligible to contribute to it.
Rich Tucker Rich Tucker: Careful Where You Point that Finger When politicians head out on tour, it’s often because they need to drum up support for unpopular policies.
Ralph Benko Ralph Benko: October Surprise: Can Gold Be The Panama Canal Treaty Of 2012? Reducing the power of bankers and the political class — along with gold’s empirical record of turbo-charging job-creation and economic growth — is core for gold’s proponents. Thus, that inevitably will become public knowledge and make gold a potentially huge electoral asset.
David Sterman David Sterman: Warning: This Stock Could Lose 100% by Next Year Will its debt-laden balance sheet hold up in the weight of further capital-spending requirements? As it stands now, Clearwire's cash flow and spending trends will be without any more funds by next June.
Marvin Olasky Marvin Olasky: American Spirit of Social Entrepreneurship Should Provide Hope When Pessimism Knocks WORLD Magazine’s current cover story is about hope in Afghanistan. This column is about hope in America. Occupy Wall Street cadres shout that selfishness rules America, but thousands of compassionate programs show that an odds-defying altruism remains. Some programs are Christian, some are secular—and let me say a few words about both kinds.
George Friedman George Friedman: Russia: Rebuilding an Empire While It Can Russia’s ultimate plan is to re-establish control over much of its former territories. This inevitably will lead Moscow and Washington back into a confrontation, negating any so-called reset, as Russian power throughout Eurasia is a direct threat to the U.S. ability to maintain its global influence.
Rebecca Hagelin Rebecca Hagelin: Culture Challenge of the Week: New York's "Sex Ed" Fraud As the appalling details of New York City’s newly mandated sex ed program trickle out, parents have reacted with shock and disgust—and rightly so.
Marybeth Hicks Marybeth Hicks: Occupiers Prove Point of Column in Emails If my email is any indication, the great divide in our nation is not between the haves and the have-nots, but between the literate and the folks who never learned the difference between there, their and they’re.
Jack Bouroudjian Jack Bouroudjian: The Tower of Jell-O Europe, quite simply, is back in crisis. European markets are down 10% in two days, primarily because it looks like the Greeks are backing out of a deal.
Matt Mackowiak Matt Mackowiak: Who to Blame for a Do-Nothing DC? Last week, President Obama blasted Congress for refusing to “act.” He’s right; it won’t. But Obama ought to focus the blame where it really belongs: on his own party. Because it’s the Democrats in Congress who are causing gridlock -- intentionally -- especially those in the Senate, which has been in Democratic hands for nearly five years now.
Rachel Marsden Rachel Marsden: America Now More Pro-Civil Service Than Russia Russian's non-Putin President Dmitry Medvedev (a.k.a. President Placeholder) met with a group of small businessmen in Moscow over the summer to discuss their challenges. One can only imagine where to start. So Medvedev, according to state news agency RIA Novosti, offered some direction: "The youth believe that (the civil service) is an example of how to be successful quickly without the need to apply any effort."
David Morris David Morris: Herman Cain and the 9-9-9 Herman Cain has recently shot up in the GOP polls, demonstrating that he could be a threat to President Obama in the general election. With such positioning however, comes increased scrutiny. To that cause, critics have chosen the centerpiece of Cain's message as their attack point: the 999 Tax Plan.
Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams: The Top of the Hour is the Time for Prosperity Countries and regions of the world are defined by the political ideologies they espouse. The West, for example, has for a long time stood to mean democratic and economically prosperous nations, and the Soviet Block represented a collection of communist and socialist nations, while the title of Middle East stirs up images of dictatorships, caliphates, and Sharia Law.
Ken Connor Ken Connor: An Inconvenient Truth For decades now, the "pro-choice" movement has successfully distorted the abortion debate by ignoring the essential question – is an unborn child a living human or isn't it? – in favor of their infamous "right to choose" canard.
Jacob Sullum Jacob Sullum: File Not Found When he took office, Barack Obama promised "an unprecedented level of openness in government." As a major part of that commitment, he pledged fidelity to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which he called "the most prominent expression of a profound national commitment to ensuring an open government."
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: Payday Loans California is a great place for studying the thinking -- or lack of thinking -- on the political left.

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